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Départ de Doug Seacat
« le: 23 août 2019 à 04:47:16 »
Encore une figure emblématique de PP qui s'en va.

The question has come up enough that I've decided I should confirm that I am no longer working at Privateer Press. I decided after completing the most recent major release (Oblivion) that the time had come for a change. With No Quarter magazine discontinued and a slowdown on other fiction projects, the timing seemed right. This was an amicable departure motivated by a desire to recharge my creative batteries by writing about new worlds. I wish the company and those that remain nothing but future success.

I was with the company since its earliest days, so this was a tough decision. Working there was an amazing experience and absolutely defining to my creative career. I was privileged to work with countless tremendously talented individuals, many of whom have become lasting friends.  I will always remain grateful for the opportunities I had and am proud of the work we accomplished, through two iterations of the Iron Kingdoms RPG, three editions of the HORDES and WARMACHINE miniature games, countless short stories and multiple novels, including one of my own. I had the chance to help invent and define innumerable memorable characters. Collaborating closely with so many fantastic artists, designers, editors, and other writers, both inside and outside the company, was a pleasure and a constant education.

Time marches on, and I've decided I must take a risk and venture into unexplored waters. I expect I may get the chance to tell a few as-yet untold tales in the Iron Kingdoms in due time. But in the meanwhile, there are other ideas clamoring for my attention.