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Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« le: 29 juillet 2019 à 14:11:14 »
Chose pas coutume sur Discount Gaming quelqu'un a performé en Troll :
Il fini premier sur le Champions Tournament

[Theme] Band of Heroes

[Grim 1] Grim Angus [+29]
 - Dire Troll Mauler [15]
 - Sea King [36]
 - Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Fell Caller Hero [0(5)]
Swamp Gobber Chef [1]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [9]
 - Stone Scribe Elder [3]
Trollkin Fennblades (max) [15]
 - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [5]
Trollkin Long Riders (max) [20]

[Theme] Storm of the North

[Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]
 - Dire Troll Bomber [19]
 - Winter Troll [8]
 - Winter Troll [8]
 - Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Fell Caller Hero [0(5)]
Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North [0(6)]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [9]
 - Northkin Elder [3]
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears [10]
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears [10]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Northkin Raiders (max) [15]
Pyg Lookouts (min) [7]

Et deuxième sur le master :

[Theme] Band of Heroes

[Grim 1] Grim Angus [+29]
 - Mountain King [36]
 - Troll Axer [10]
 - Troll Impaler [11]
 - Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Fell Caller Hero [0(5)]
Gatorman Husk [3]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [9]
 - Stone Scribe Elder [3]
Trollkin Fennblades (max) [15]
 - Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [5]
Trollkin Long Riders (min) [12]

[Theme] Storm of the North

[Kolgrima 1] Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]
 - Dire Troll Bomber [19]
 - Winter Troll [8]
 - Winter Troll [8]
 - Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Fell Caller Hero [0(5)]
Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North [0(6)]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [9]
 - Northkin Elder [3]
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears [10]
Northkin Bear Handlers & Battle Bears [10]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Northkin Raiders (max) [15]
Pyg Lookouts (min) [7]

Je ne connais pas la personne ni le niveau du tournoi mais je vous partage l'info.
Au passage si il y a quelques parts les comptes rendu de ces parties je veux bien le lien
« Modifié: 29 juillet 2019 à 14:17:49 par ludmar »
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Hors ligne TheLazyHase

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #1 le: 29 juillet 2019 à 14:29:34 »
J'aime bien ses listes kolgrimma. Les sprays POW 14 c'est fort quand même. On notera comme il skippe les champions et met des raiders ; je pense qu'il a une dent contre Skorne vu la tête de sa liste.

La liste Grim1 est folle. Je sais pas comment ca marche ou contre quoi c'est destiné.

Hors ligne Grimgor

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #2 le: 29 juillet 2019 à 23:09:03 »
Le gars a tout partagé sur le groupe facebook troll son CR et 2 games enregistrées, sur les champions c'est une erreur il a joué une liste borka 1 (même base que celle de grim 1 à un solo près) et il a reconnu lui même que c'était naze (et on peut le comprendre...), du coup il l'a remplacé par grim 1 sur le master. Il a dropé borka 1 et grim 1 sur iona 3 fois et a perdu 2 fois.
Il a gagné une fois avec borka car son adversaire mets iona à 12" du sea king du coup il tente un KTC qui passe.
Une game qui est enregistrée ou il joue contre un skorne 3 huge base, qui laisse une de ces BE à moins de 14 du bord de table, la sanction est immédiate (coucou les ours) et la partie est gagnée à ce niveau. (depuis que je les joue ça ne m'est arrivé que sur 2 parties que j'ai gagné toutes les 2, les gens globalement ont beaucoup de respect pour cette unité)
Il a réussi à gagner contre harbi et ça pour le coup je vois même pas comment, vu à quel point je trouve le matchup abyssalement mauvais, point de vu que j'ai partagé avec mhean entre autres.

Je sais pas trop quoi penser des ricains et des canadiens comme Tim blanky qui a persisté avec sa liste borka 2 PoD, il s'est même permis de se moquer des joueurs troll qui jouaient kolgrima et se vantait de ne pas la jouer ni SotN. Il n'en reste pas moins que son résultat n'as finalement pas été aussi bon, il a même rencontré journeyman qui si j'ai bien suivi son CR ne pouvait rien faire avec sa liste. Lui et chris dancoks ont popularisé la liste borka 2 et ce sont les seuls à avoir gagné avec au WTC, lazyhase se souviendra combien j'ai galéré avec cette liste au tournoi de joinville. On a cessé de me répéter que la méta n'était pas la même là bas, j'ai quand même persisté une bonne année avec mais sans trop de succès.

Sinon je pense qu'il joue grim 1 tout simplement parce que c'est un de nos meilleurs casters avec kolgrima, et sans doute à cause du troll qui a popularisé la fameuse grim 1 4 huges bases
« Modifié: 29 juillet 2019 à 23:15:01 par Grimgor »

Hors ligne baldur59

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #3 le: 30 juillet 2019 à 09:02:23 »
Tu pourrais mettre les liens vers les vidéos , merci
de scheerder david 
Membre du club l alliance ( lallaing 59167 )
ecole Leclerc
( hordes/warmachine;battle;40k;confront;anima tactics;alkemy , bolt action )

Hors ligne Grimgor

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #4 le: 31 juillet 2019 à 09:26:00 »

Voilà le lien, après je sais pas si ça marchera chez toi, je sais pas si c'est lié à mon facebook et en tout cas il doit falloir sûrement être membre du groupe.
Ou alors tu rentres son nom dans le moteur de recherche du groupe.
Voilà  :)

Hors ligne ludmar

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #5 le: 31 juillet 2019 à 09:27:19 »
Merci Grimgor copier coller du post au cas ou :
Giga-Con 2019 recap:

This is my recap on how Trollbloods performed for me at Giga-Con this past weekend. I wanted to get my thoughts down as soon as possible before I forget everything. Granted that statement is probably inaccurate, many of these games were unforgettable.

Firstly; I haven't been playing much Warmachine lately and I had almost zero practice with this faction.

Kolgrima 2-3 games. PGrim 0 games. PBorka 3-4 games (I think that was all into Menoth.)

On day one I was able to win champions (24 players) and I quickly grew a healthy respect for PGrim after dropping him twice. So in day two when PBorka performed terribly into tharn, I opted for the switch to PGrim in masters. Essentially this is me struggling to find answers to powerful lists in the meta with practice on the fly.

I've attached a few pictures and numbered them for anyone who wants a visual of each situation. I won't go into a ton of detail but this is me learning how to play Trolls in real time. So I'm writing this for you as much as I am myself.

Heat, Round 1: Kolgrima V Rasheth.

Pictured is a squad of bears killing a siege turtle on the left flank. Kolgrima is feating to prevent the ancestral guardian from killing any bears. The important concept here is learning the ambush based "wide" strategy. The new scenarios are pulling armies wider and this provides a few advantages. You can alienate models, ambush is very strong, you avoid damaging control area based effects, and you pull support style warcasters closer to the front line. A very relevant note in this game - I deployed one unit of bears. There is a valid fear that an enemy could bypass the wide engagement and hard rush the middle. That would be awkward for a bunch of kriel stone boys and Valka.

Heat, Round 2: PBorka V Iona

This game was streamed, Iona moves to a wall within 14'' of sea king. Sea king rolls the hard 12 and one hits her. Eilish gave me two tries, but I knew it was important to get out of this match while I could. If the 12 fails and she dodges away, I was in range to allocate attacks into the storm raptor at dice + 6. Provided that worked, I didn't hate my position in this game if she lived.

Heat, Round 3: Kolgrima V Garryth2

Pictured is my feat turn and an overloaded right flank. All 3 ambush squads come in to remove a trident. A bad match-up and a desperate situation for Retribution. This game was against my finals opponent Rean Knopke and I think it gave him a very meaningful lesson in Kolgrima as he (spoiler alert) performs much better the next day when it matters most.

Heat, Round 4: PBorka V Iona

Not pictured. This game was streamed and turns into a crushing defeat. We won't dwell on that. There is a meaningful turn where he jams me with some blood weavers, and I could potentially clear them and walk back out of threat. I instead (like so many times before) opt to charge into the right flank of ravagers. This rarely ends well for fenn blades, I trade the entire squad for 3. The king begins to feel like a liability in the match-up and I decide in this game that I'll switch to PGrim on Sunday.

Heat, Round 5: Kolgrima V Zateroth

Pictured is Kolgrima's counter feat turn. Counter feating into Zateroth to slow the game down. Important to note that I'm set up to score my own flag and my own zone. I am prepared for his ambushing cultists with a spray beast (winter troll) set on each side to remove models. Despite ghost walk allowing the soul stalker to make it's way to my (arm 21) bears. This game is heavily decided by me cleaning up the back lines this turn and efficiently removing threats. My second squad of bears and pygs attack his zone and create a pretty grim situation for the Infernals.

I finish the day 4-1, 3rd place. I'm dead set on solving Iona and create my 3rd off list of the weekend. PGrim mountain king. Hopefully it fares better than PBorka.

Masters, Round 1: PGrim V Iona

Picture masters 1, potato quality picture. This is a picture of a wounded man preparing to get destroyed. I've learned one thing in my Iona games and that is - I'm about to get destroyed. But this time I have a serious plan, going second on this scenario is effective. This scenario can score extremely fast but it becomes harder to score as attrition removes solos. My entire goal is to remove two flags by mountain king proximity, threaten the 3rd, clear my own zone repeatedly, and slow this game down as much as humanly possible. (Potato qualify picture) Pictured is Grim1 maneuvering his feat into a position via failed charge vs storm raptor. My fennblades are acting tough with no intention of joining this fight. My husk has a bear hug on the left flank tharn chieftan. The mountain king and long riders are prepared to receive some feated ravagers. Note: many ravagers on the left flank were in a position to vengeance out of my feat and charge. Fortunately, despite how stressful it was. This game goes how I planned. I maintain scoring, disrupt his scoring and eventually clock him. My turns were very efficient and I played my losing strategy. At this point I've decided that my experiments have failed and I'll tough out any future Iona games with Kolgrima.

Masters, Round 2: Kolgrima V Harbinger

Picture masters 2. Pictured is my feat turn. I've maintained good pressure on his army and played wide enough to force models out of martyr range. Even with two Indictors and the book singing no spells - Harbinger keeps a healthy respect for Kolgrima this entire game. This particular game was an exercise in patience. After many conversations on how to beat Harbinger I knew that clock management was equally important as staying 1 cp ahead before turn 7 hits. In this picture is a well set ambush, the left flank shows a prepared winter troll aiming through a champion, 3 initiates and 2 jamming idrians. The single spray (at pow 14 thanks to stone) left the champion open for the bears charges. You can see in the picture that I'm behind in time, I basically stop activating most of my raiders and pygmys as the next two turns are spent with stone +2 strength removing Indictors, hand of silence and keeping Kolgrima safe. This game ends on turn 7 with me winning 3 - 2.

Masters, Round 3: Kolgrima V Morghoul2 (3 battle engine)

Not pictured. This game was streamed and of my stream games it is a real monster of a game. I make ambush based plays with pygs and fire eaters to clear an archidon out of a zone. I fail miserably despite mark targets and endless boosted sprays. After he advances, my right flank ambushes and bears remove a turtle. There is a point in this game where I'm beating him by 4 cp's and my army fizzles out. The supreme guardian begins picking my army up with no bears left to threaten him. The game ends on turn 6 with a setup of bomber (eyeless sight from objective) and Kolgrima spraying Morghoul2 to death. I'm looking forward to re-watching this one myself.

Masters, Finals: Kolgrima V Garryth2

Not pictured. This game was streamed as well. Rean plays a tighter game than me with a better prepared list. There is a waiting game of his ambushing infiltrators waiting for my bears to enter play. I lose the waiting game as I become increasingly tilted by some poorly timed dice rolls. As such, the game spirals out of control to a point where I feel like I can no longer win on attrition. He presents a (roughly) 50-60% assassination. I take it, I fail to hit Garryth with the boosted spray and that's all she wrote for Kolgrima. This particular game was a lesson in early board placement. Preserving models was more important for me than for him as he gladly traded his strike force for ... anything. Knowing that my feat would nullify them in following turns he smartly fed them to me, taking raiders and fire eaters a long the way. His turns and decisions were more efficient as unganged bears missed 14 defense targets repeatedly (as they should) and his preparation on the ambush lines proved superior. Not a single model that I deploy via ambush lived through his following turn.

As stated, this was a different format for me to present information. I was very excited by the challenges I found in playing trolls. Each game presented me with things I could've done better, even the blow-out Borka V Iona game. I see myself continuing as a Troll player in the foreseeable future and I'm currently working on solves for Iona.

A word on Giga-Con: I was unable to properly record all of my opponents names, but I could pick them out in a crowd. So I won't recognize any specific individuals as all of my games were enjoyable. Giga-Con is held in Marietta Georgia at a really amazing venue: Giga-Bites. The venue itself is a massive space filled with every miniatures game (seemingly) ever made and more. They have a full service cafe with solid food and drink. The people there run an amazing convention, the atmosphere is casual and entertaining. You really can't find a better weekend of Warmachine and for me it was a much needed shot in the arm. To get my mind churning on the game once again, definitely worth the trip.

Thanks suckas, R.I.P. Snooty
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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #6 le: 31 juillet 2019 à 14:08:07 »
J'aime bien la liste Kolgrima du monsieur, même si ça manque un peu de cassage d'armure à mon goût.

Je reste persuadé qu'un pairing Kolgrima/Grim1 avec des hooch haulers doit faire le café, surtout maintenant qu'ils ont enlevés phantasm d'Iona.
Mais encore faut il vouloir avoir deux hooch hauler ...

Thyra c'est pèté.
Terminus n'a aucun mauvais match up.
Sauf quand c'est un mauvais match up.

Hors ligne xanntrey

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #7 le: 31 juillet 2019 à 17:46:12 »
Double hooch hauler... je vois pas le problème :D

Hors ligne Grimgor

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Re : Perf trollblood au Gigacon Tournament
« Réponse #8 le: 01 août 2019 à 12:51:51 »
J'aime bien la liste Kolgrima du monsieur, même si ça manque un peu de cassage d'armure à mon goût.

Je reste persuadé qu'un pairing Kolgrima/Grim1 avec des hooch haulers doit faire le café, surtout maintenant qu'ils ont enlevés phantasm d'Iona.
Mais encore faut il vouloir avoir deux hooch hauler ...

J'en ai déjà un :) Pareil pas très convaincu par le fait de ne pas sortir au moins une unité de champions