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WARMACHINE/HORDES => Discussions sur le jeu et les rumeurs => Discussion démarrée par: Krador le 23 septembre 2021 à 21:04:29

Titre: Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Krador le 23 septembre 2021 à 21:04:29
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Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: TheLazyHase le 23 septembre 2021 à 21:47:03
Les vrais gros briseurs de bijoux de familles que sont les death et void prennent un sévère coup de batte. Tout les archons gagnent +1 point directement ou non (sauf peut être le defiled et le primal ?). Les requisitions à 7 points disparaissent presque tous, ce qui fait perdre 1-4 points à pas mal de listes ; les menoths perdent les initiates gratuits, ce qui peut avoir d'autres conséquences (vu que c'était le cas le plus clair de prendre du pas support en requisition).

Falcir se fait rework et est probablement moins oppressante mais tout aussi puissante. Mais au moins la question des distances de menace se posera moins !

L'immunité aux blasts est sévèrement diminué avec beaucoup d'effet qui donnent +4 armure contre le blast à la place. Le feat de Gunny2 ne bypasse plus les protections contre le blast par contre.

Pas de nerfs annoncés pour les sprays, le principal truc trés trés fort que j'ai pas vu dans les nerfs.

Plein de buffs annoncés mais pas révélé. Environ la moitié des refs va être buffé (probablement surtout de la diminution de points).
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: John McForester le 25 septembre 2021 à 09:08:27
C'est pas la bonne section puisque c'est pas un cid
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Titi le 25 septembre 2021 à 09:15:13
<MOD Et hop ! Déplacé de la section CID jusqu'ici ! /MOD>
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: John McForester le 25 septembre 2021 à 13:26:17
Pour ce qui est du Void Archon, en l'état ce qui est proposé le rend vraiment mauvais, à peine jouable (genre uniquement dans les matchups où tu veux absolument entropic force), car Void Walk ne marche que sur la Combat Action, donc pas sur l'assault. C'est probablement un truc qui va changer, ce qui lui permettrait de rester jouable. Wait and see.

À part ça des changements plutôt positifs.
Je suis un peu embêté par Malvin1, avec Killing Spree c'était tout ou rien (des matchs où je prends deux unités en une activation, d'autres où j'en fais rien du tout), mais du coup dans Killing Spree il perd beaucoup et se rentabilisera rarement...
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Alris le 08 octobre 2021 à 09:23:20
Curieux de voir les modifications Cygnar a proprement parler. N'ayant plus l'occasion de jouer beaucoup, j'ai pas encore investi dans les renforts Morroween spoilé ici
Titre: Re : Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Titi le 08 octobre 2021 à 09:36:46
..., j'ai pas encore investi dans les renforts Morroween spoilé ici
Tant mieux ! Parce qu'ils ne sont pas du "vrai" Cygnar : ils bossent aussi pour Khador... :P
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Krador le 13 octobre 2021 à 19:17:33
Les changements à venir d'ici la fin du mois...

-No more PC 7 requisitions.
-Drag now is on hit across th eboard.
-Sturgis 1 and 2 lose Convection, get replacement spells and feats.
-ATGM PC 9(-2). Gain Coordinating Attack. Can give up attack to give another model in unit additonal die, drop die on attack/damage. Can only be affected by that once a turn.
-Trsitan 1 PC 2
-Thyra Gates of Death becomes innate 5" place. Gains Blend in Daughterss of Flame: Can't be targetted by attacks while another Duaghter is within 3". Synergistic Magic when killing models which can be spent on things like upkeeping. Something a few other casters get, almost one per Faction.
- Also general Duaghters became Daughters of Flames.
-Old Witch 1 WJP 24(+6)
-Behemoth in Armored Corp., PC 20(-5), Subcortex affects all weapons.
-Black Ivan PC 16(-3). Loses Point Blank and Evasion, gains Dual Attack.
-Deathjack PC 18(-5).
-Kraken 32(-3).
-Aiakos 1 and 2. Harpoon RNG 10. Leap replaces Jump, (anytime place when no charge). Aiakos 2 gains Blood Boon on weapon.
-Ravyn. Open Fire now COST 1. Swapped Locomotion for Energizer.
-Grissel 1 gains new ability Harmony. ALl models in CTRL cna have more than one Fell Call. Feat can cast spell without paying fury and use all Fell Calls.
-Kriel Warriors +1 POW on weapons.
- Caber gains Carapice and Mobile Cover (gives nearby models Carapice).
-Hooch Hawler PC 15(-3). High Proof now Accelerant.
-Sons of Bragg lost Theme Music.
-Kaya 1 and 2 Soothing Song no longer spell is any time during turn. Kaya 1 gains Jump Start.

On Watch
-Trollkin guns
-Bethayne 2
-Gunlines generally

Behemoth à 20 pts et ses attaques de cac qui bénéficient du subcortex, ça me plaît. En plus jouable en MoW ! Y'aurait peut-être moyen de le jouer avec Vlad2.
Je peux avoir toutes les unités de MoW et presque tous les solos (les 2 Ragers représentent Behemoth).

[Theme] Armored Korps

[Vladimir 2] Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion [+27]
 - Marauder [11]
 - Rager [10]
 - Rager [10]
 - Greylord Adjunct [4]
Man-O-War Kovnik [4]
Man-O-War Strike Tanker [0(5)]
Man-O-War Suppression Tanker [0(6)]
Kommandant Atanas Arconovich & Standard [7]
Man-O-War Bombardiers (max) [16]
 - Man-O-War Bombardier Officer [5]
Man-O-War Demolition Corps (max) [14]
 - Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich [0(6)]
Man-O-War Shocktroopers (max) [16]
 - Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer [4]
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Krador le 21 octobre 2021 à 17:36:50 (

Pour mes Cygnars ça fait :
Artificer General Nemo 27WJP (+2)
Captain Allison Jakes 31WJP (+3)
Captain Allister Caine gains the Gun Mage key word
Captain E. Dominic Darius Pit Stop becomes:
Darius gains 1d3+2 focus. This turn, Darius and warjacks in his battlegroup can have damage removed with repair regardless of other special rules. Darius and the Halfjacks in his battlegroup currently in his control range can each completely repair Darius or one friendly Faction warjack with which he or it is B2B. Remove all damage from those models.
Captain Kara Sloan gains the Gun Mage key word
Captain Victoria Haley Temporal Barrier affects enemy models within ctrl
Commander Adept Nemo Cut Locomotion, gain Energizer
Commander Dalin Strugis Cut convection, gain Positive Charge, text of feat changes to:
   Once per turn, anytime this activation except while resolving an attack you can place Sturgis anywhere completely within 3” of his current location. Enemy non-warcaster, non-warlock, and non-infernal master models in Sturgis's control range are pushed up to 3" directly toward Sturgis in the order you choose. Then Sturgis gains 1 focus for each enemy model he is engaging and may make one basic attack with one of his melee weapons against each enemy model in his LOS that is in the melee weapon's range. These attacks are simultaneous.
Lieutenant Allister Caine gains the Gun Mage key word
Lord General Coleman Stryker Text of Iron Aggression becomes:
“Target friendly Faction warjack in the spellcaster’s battlegroup can run,...”
Major Prime Victoria Haley 27WJP (+2)
Major Victoria Haley 29WJP (+4) Force Field becomes:
The spellcaster gains Blast Resistance, does not suffer collateral damage, and cannot become knocked down. When an enemy AOE ranged attack deviates from a point in the spellcaster’s control range, after the deviation distance is rolled you choose the deviation direction. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Brickhouse 16pts (-2)
Cyclone 12pts (-1)
Dynamo 17pts (-1), cut multi-fire, become ROF 3
Firefly 7pts (-1)
Hurricane 33pts (-2)
Lancer 8pts (-2)
Minuteman 8pts (-1)
Ol’ Rowdy 17pts (-1)
Sentinel 7pts (-1), New text for Shield Guard
Stormwall 34pts (-2)
Thorn 11pts (-2)
Triumph 16pts (-2), New text for Shield Guard
Storm Strider 17pts (-1)
Trencher Blockhouse 9pts (-1)
Arcane Tempest Rifleman 3pts (-1) gains the Gun Mage keywords
Captain Maxwell Finn 5pts (-1)
Gun Mage Captain Adept 4pts (-1) and gain Veteran Leader [Gun Mage]
Journeyman Lieutenant Allister Caine 4pts (-1)
Journeyman Warcaster 3pts (-1)
Lieutenant Allison Jakes gain Dual Attack
Lieutenant Bastian Falk 3pts (-2) gain Gun Mage keywords
Lieutenant Gwen Keller change text of Force Barrier:
   This model gains +2 DEF against ranged attack rolls and Blast Resistance. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Patrol Dog FA 2 (+1), 1pt (-1)
Trencher Buster New text for Shield Guard
Trencher Master Gunner 3pts (-1)
Trencher Warcaster Lieutenant 3pts (-1)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages 9pts (-2), gain Supporting Attack:
During this unit’s activation, if it is in formation, except while a model is making an attack, this model may forfeit its combat action, if it does another model in this unit gains an additional die on attack and damage rolls this turn. For each of those rolls you choose one die to be discarded. A model can only be affected by Supporting Attack once per turn.
Black 13th Strike Force 7pts (-3), gains Gun Mage keywords
Field Mechaniks 2/4pts (-1/-1)
Long Gunner Infantry 8/13pts (-2/-3)
Rangers 7pts (-2)
Storm Lances 11/18pts (-1/-2)
Stormsmith Grenadiers change text of Force Barrier:
   This model gains +2 DEF against ranged attack rolls and Blast Resistance. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Sword Knights 7/11pts (-1/-2)
Tempest Blazers 10/16pts (-1/-2) gain the Gun Mage key word
Trencher Cannon Crew 4pts (-2)
Trencher Chain Gun Crew 3pts (-1), Ammon Feeder becomes: “While this model is within 1” of the Gunner…”
Trencher Combat Engineers 4pts (-1)
Trencher Commandos 8/13pts (-2/-2)
Trencher Express Team Range Finder becomes: “While within 1” of the spotter…”
Trencher Infantry 9/14pts (-1/-2)
Trencher Long Gunners 9/15pts (-2/-3)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer 3pts (-1)
Squire 4pts (-1)
Sword Knight Officer & Standard 3pts (-1)
Trencher Commando Officer 3pts (-1)
Trencher Commando Scattergunner 1pt (-1)
Trencher Infantry Officer & Sniper 4pts (-1)

Pour mes Khadors :

Assault Kommander Strakhov & Kommandos 27 WJPs (+5)
Forward Kommander Sorscha 29 WJPs (+2), Iron Flesh becomes:
Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit gains +2 ARM and Blast Resistance. Models are not affected while out of formation. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova Rod of Whispers becomes RNG 12, Grave door becomes:
   A model disabled by this weapon cannot make a Tough roll. When a living or undead enemy model is boxed by this attack, you can choose to take control of it. If you do, remove 1 damage point from it, causing it to no longer be boxed. You can then immediately change its facing. For the rest of the turn, this model can channel spells through the affected model while it is in this model’s control range. This model can channel spells even while engaged. The affected model cannot activate. At the end of the turn, the affected model is destroyed.
Kommandant Irusk 29 WJPs (+2) Iron Flesh becomes:
Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit gains +2 ARM and Blast Resistance. Models are not affected while out of formation. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Kommandant Sorscha Kratifoff gains Irregulars [Medium-Based Man-O-War]
   Irregulars [Medium-Based Man-O-War] - Medium-based Man-O-War models can be included in any army that also includes Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff.
Iron Flesh becomes:
Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit gains +2 ARM and Blast Resistance. Models are not affected while out of formation. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Kommander Andrei Malakov Cut Razor Wind, Gain Discombobulate, Open fire becomes cost 1
Discombobulate - Cost 2, RNG 10, AOE -, POW -, DUR TURN, OFF Yes - Both the front arc and back arc of target model/unit is treated as its back arc.
Kommander Orsus Zoktavia Arcane Dementia: replace d6 with 2d3. Also gains Reckless Arcana.

Reckless Arcana - Once per turn, when a model in this model’s battlegroup destroys one or more enemy models with a melee attack, immediately after the attack is resolved, this model can cast a spell with COST 3 or less without spending focus.
Kommander Zoktavir, the Butcher Unleashed 24 WJPs (+2)
Obavnik Kommander Zerkova & Reaver Guards 27 WJPs (+3), Sacrificial Lamb text becomes:
Up to two friendly warrior models other than the spellcaster suffer 1d3 damage. For each damage dealt this way a model in the spellcaster’s battlegroup gains 1 focus. A model may gain no more than 3 focus this way. Sacrificial Lamb can be cast only once per activation.
Orsus Zoktavir, The Butcher of Khardov Iron Flesh becomes:
Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit gains +2 ARM and Blast Resistance. Models are not affected while out of formation. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Supreme Kommandant Irusk Solid ground becomes:
While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly Faction models cannot become knocked down and gain Blast Resistance. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
The Old Witch of Khador 24 WJPs (+6), Iron Flesh becomes:
Target friendly Faction warrior model/unit gains +2 ARM and Blast Resistance. Models are not affected while out of formation. (A model with Blast Resistance gains +4 ARM against blast damage.)
Zevanna Agha, the Fate Weaver 29 WJPs (+2), text of Windstorm becomes:
   While in the spellcaster’s control range, enemy models’ range weapons with a RNG greater than 8 suffer –5 RNG on affected ranged attacks to a minimum of 8. When an enemy AOE ranged attack deviates from a point in this model’s control range, after determining the deviation distance, you choose the deviation direction. Windstorm lasts for one round.
Beast 09 16pts (-2), New text for Shield Guard on bond (TEMPLATED)
Behemoth 20pts (-5), Sub-cortex affects all weapons (instead of just ranged ones)
Black Ivan 16pts (-3), cut Evasive and Point-Blank, gain Dual Attack
Conquest 33pts (-2)
Decimator Cut Beat Back, Gain Batter
Demolisher Armored Shell becomes:
If this model makes a basic melee attack or throw power attack its base ARM is 19 until the start of its next activation.
Destroyer becomes 13pts (-1)
Devastator Armored Shell becomes:
If this model makes a basic melee attack or throw power attack its base ARM is 19 until the start of its next activation.
Drago 13pts (-1)
Grolar 16pts (-2)
Kodiak 12pts (-1)
Mad Dog Fleet becomes:
If this model has 2 or more focus before its Normal Movement, it gains +2” movement during that movement.
Rager 9pts (-1), New text for Shield Guard
Ruin Armored Fist weapon gains the buckler advantage
Spriggan Cut Targeting Flare, gain Flare on ranged weapons
Torch 17pts (-1) Cut Targeting Flare, gain Flare on ranged weapons
Victor 32pts (-2)
Iron Fang Kovnik ARM 17 (+2), switch current leadership for leadership - unyielding
Kapitan Sofya Skirova 4pts (-1), New text for Shield Guard
Koldun Lord 3pts (-1) gain prowl, Change Leadership - battle wizard to leadership - prowl
Kovnik Andrei Malakov 3pts (-1)
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich 3pts (-1), New text for Sacrificial Pawn
Manhunter 2pts (-2)
Man-O-War Drakhun 8pts (-1)
Man-O-War Kovnik 3pts (-1)
Widowmaker Marksmen 3pts (-1)
Winter Guard Artillery Kaptain Cut Close Fire, Gain Veteran Leader [Winter Guard], Fire & Displace becomes:
RNG CMD. Target friendly Faction weapon crew unit. If the unit is in range, it gains Reposition [3˝]. Fire & Displace lasts for one turn. (At the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then its activation ends.)
Yuri the Axe 4pts (-1)
Assault Kommandos 7/11pts (-2/-4) gain Winter Guard keywords, New Text for Shield Wall
Battle Mechaniks 2/4pts (-1/-1)
Black Dragons 9/15pts (-1/-2), New Text for Shield Wall
Greylord Outriders 9/16pts (-1/-1) Gains Battle Wizard
Greylord Ternion 5pts (-2) Gains Battle Wizard
Iron Fang Pikemen 8/13pts (-1/-2), New Text for Shield Wall
Iron Fang Uhlans 10/17pts (-2/-3)
Kommandant Atanas Arcondivich & Standard 5pts (-2)
Kossite Woodsmen 7/11pts (+1/+1), gain Backstab
Man-O-War Bombardiers 8/14pts (-2/-2)
Man-O-War Demolition Corps 7/12pts (-1/-2)
Man-O-War Shocktroopers 9/15pts (-1/-1), New Text for Shield Wall
Widowmaker Scouts 7pts (-1)
Winter Guard Field Gun Crew 3pts (-1)
Winter Guard Mortar Crew 3pts (-2)
Winter Guard Rifle Corps 7/12pts (-1/-1)
Assault Kommando Flame Thrower 1pt (-1)
Battle Mechanik Officer 1pt (-2)
Black Dragon Officer & Standard 3pts (-1)
Greylord Adjunct 3pts (-1)
Greylord Escort New text for Sacrificial Pawn
Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard 3pts (-1), The second sentence of Defensive Formation becomes: “This activation, models not affected by the Shield Wall order in this unit…”
Man-O-War Bombardier Officer 3pts (-2)
Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer 3pts (-1)
Sergeant Dragos Dragadovich 4pts (-2)
War Dog 2pts (-1)
Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard 3pts (-1), last part of the second sentence of grape shot becomes “...and gains assault xiconx, and the RNG of its blunderbuss becomes SP 8 instead of RNG 8.”

Kayazy Assassins 8/13pts (-1/-3), gain Duelist
Kayazy Eliminators 4pts (-1)
Kayazy Assassin Underboss Cut Tactics: Duelist, gain Duelist and Tactics: Shadow Dance
   Tactics: Shadow Dance - Models in this unit gain Shadow Dance. (When a model with Shadow Dance hits an enemy model with a melee attack, immediately after the attack is resolved you can place another model in its unit completely within 3” of the placed model’s current position. A model can be placed by Shadow Dance only once per turn.)

Et rien de changé pour la BE des MoW, sniff !!!

Pour mes Infernaux :

Omodamos, the Black Gate 30 Horror Points (+2)
Zaateroth, The Weaver of Shadows 28 Horror Points (+2), New text for Long Shadows:
   When a friendly Faction model in this model’s command range is targeted by a ranged attack with a RNG greater than 8, the attack suffers –3 RNG to a minimum of 8.
Desolator ARM 18 (-1)
Lamenter ARM 15 (+1)
Shrieker ARM 15 (+2)
Tormentor ARM 18 (-1)
Umbral Guardian New text for Shield Guard
Griever Swarm 7/12pts (-1/-2)
Howlers 8/13pts (-1/-2) gain Brutal Charge
Dark Sentinel ARM 16 (+4)

Pour mes Minions :

Barnabas, Lord of Blood 25 WBPs (+2), New text for Sacrificial Pawn
Calaban, the Grave Walker Gains Synergistic Magic
Synergistic Magic - This model can gain power tokens. When this model destroys an enemy model with an attack, this model gains a power token. This model can spend power tokens to upkeep and cast upkeep spells as if they were fury.
Dr. Arkadius New text for Maltreatment
   Maltreatment - Once per turn, anytime during your activation phase except while activating another model, this model can remove 1 fury point from a warbeast in its battlegroup that is in its control range and add 1 fury point to its own current total. The warbeast suffers d3 damage points.
Jaga-Jaga, the Death Charmer 29 WBPs (+2)
Lord Azazello, the Castellan Cut Distraction and Range-Amplifier, Phantasm becomes:
When target friendly Faction model/unit is targeted by a ranged attack with a RNG greater than 8, the attack suffers –5 RNG to a minimum of 8. Models are not affected while out of formation.
Rask New text for Energy Siphon:
Energy Siphon - When this attack hits an enemy model with 1 or more focus, fury, or essence points on it, that model loses 1 focus, fury, or essence point and this model gains 1 fury point.
Sturm & Drang New text for Shield Guard (Mental Domination) TEMPLATED, Changesecond sentence of feat to be: “Enemy Warjacks and Monstrosities...”
Battle Boar 6pts (-1), POW 4 (+1) P+S 12 (+1), New text for Primal
Target friendly living Faction warbeast gains +1 STR and MAT for one round.
Blackhide Wrastler 14pts (-2)
Blind Walker 9pts (-1), new text for Shield Guard
Bone Swarm 2x base attacks
Dracodile 33pts (-3)
Gun Boar 7pts (-1)
Ironback Spitter 12pts (-2)
Razor Boar 3pts no longer bought in pairs
Road Hog STR 12 (+1) P+S on melee attacks 16 (+1)
Splatter Boar Gun becomes POW 14, Cut Inaccurate, remove the first sentence of Smoke Blast
War Hog STR 12 (+1), Warcleaver P+S 17 (+1), Gore P+S 16 (+1)
Agata, Queen of Carnage 3pts (-2)
Alten Ashley 5pts (-1)
Bog Trog Mistspeaker 3pts (-1)
Bog Trog Trawler gains Quick Work, New text for Drag
Bone Shrine 1pt (-1)
Brun Cragback & Lug 15pts (-1)
Croak Hunter DEF 14 (+1)
Dahlia Hallyr & Skarath 16pts (-1)
Dhunian Archon New text for Soul Ward:
   Soul Ward - Enemy models cannot gain soul tokens from friendly models destroyed within 5” of this model.
Efaarit Scouts 4pts (-2)
Gatorman Witch Doctor 3pts (-1)
Gudrun the Wanderer gains Rise
Gobber Tinker gains Blast Resistance
Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter 5pts (-1)
Kogan the Exile Cut Smite, gain Smite (*Attack)
Kwaak Slickspine & Gub, Croak Sorcerers 3pts (-1)
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress Text update for Vendetta, 3pts (-1)
This model gains an additional die on attack and damage rolls against Legion or Blighted models.
Longchops 4pts (-1)
Maximus 3pts (-1), Gain Elite Cadre [Farrow Slaughterhousers] – Unyielding
Rorsh & Brine 14pts (-1), Brine is STR 12 (+1), Claw P+S 15 (+1), Gore P+S 16 (+1)
Thrullg 3pts (-2)
Totem Hunter 5pts (-1)
Viktor Pendrake Cut Cumbersome from bola
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw 16pts (-1)
Bog Trog Ambushers 7/10pts (-1/-3)
Croak Raiders 8/14pts (-2/-2)
Croak Trappers RNG 6 on net (+2)
Farrow Bone Grinders DEF 13 (+1)
Farrow Brigands Gain Advanced Deploy, 8/12pts (-1/-3)
Farrow Commandos 7/11pts (-2/-4)
Farrow Razorback Crew 4pts (-1)
Farrow Slaughterhousers 7pts (-2)
Farrow Valkyries New text for Shield Guard
Gatorman Bokor & Bog Trog Swamp Shamblers Bokor is STR 7 (+1) Bite P+S 12 (+1) Tail Strike P+S 11 (+1), Shamblers become POW 3 (+1) P+S 9 (+1)
Gatorman Posse 8 boxes (+3), 8/13pts (-2/-3)
Brigand Warlord Granted: Prey becomes Tactics: Prey
Targ gains Arcane Assist
Void Leech POW 3 (+1) P+S 9 (+1)

Pour les Theme Force :

Theme List Revision
+: Means the item was added
-: Means the item was removed
C: Means the item changed to the new text
Dark Legacy
Requisition Options
+: One Umbral Guardian Solo
C: One other small- or medium-based Infernal solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Hearts of Darkness
Requisition Options
C: One other small- or medium-based solo with Mark Soul and a point cost of 5 or less
Warriors of the Old Faith
Requisition Options
+: Three Wrack solos
C: One other small-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Flame in the Darkness
Requisition Options
-: Three Morrowan Battle Priest weapon Attachments
C: One other small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Strange Bedfellows
Requisition Options
C: One warjack with a point cost of 5 or less
-: One Convergence Angel unit
C: One other small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Vengeance of Dhunia
Requisition Options
C: One Dhunian Knot unit
C: One non-character Pyg Tank solo
C: One other Small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Heavy Metal
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Sons of the Tempest
Army Composition
+: Ranger models/units
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: Gun Mage models/units in this army gain Pistoleer.
Storm Division
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cygnar solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Creator’s Might
Requisition Options
+: Three Wrack solos
C: One other Small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Exemplar Interdiction
Requisition Options
+: Three Wrack solos
C: One other Small- or -medium based Protectorate solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Faithful Masses
Requisition Options
-: One Initiates of the Wall unit
+: One Deliverer Weapon Crew unit
+: Three Wrack solos
C: One other Small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Guardians of the Temple
Requisition Options
+: Three Wrack solos
C: One other Small- or medium-based Protectorate solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: Up to one small-based Daughters of Flame unit in this army gains Ambush.
Armored Korps
Army Composition
+: Behemoth
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Jaws of the Wolf
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Legions of Steel
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Winter Guard Kommand
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: New text for Sacrificial Pawn TEMPLATED
Wolves of Winter
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Khador solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: Before you take your first turn, choose up to two friendly non-warcaster Doom Reaver or Greylord units to gain an apparition token. A unit with an apparition token has Apparition. At any time during your activation phase you may remove an Apparition token from a friendly unit. Once per turn, any time during your activation phase, if you have less than two apparition tokens among friendly units, you can put an apparition token on a friendly non-warcaster Doom Reaver or Greylord unit.
Black Industries
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Dark Host
Army Composition
+: Deathjack
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Ghost Fleet
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Scourge of the Broken Coast
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Cryx solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Defenders of Ios
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Forges of War
Army Composition
C: Retribution Warcasters
C: non-character warjacks
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: New text for Shield Guard TEMPLATED
Legions of Dawn
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Shadows of the Retribution
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Retribution solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Magnum Opus
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Crucible Guard solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Prima Materia
Requisition Options
-: One Combat Alchemist unit
C: One other Small- or medium-based Crucible Guard solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Clockwork Legions
Requisition Options
C: One Convergence warjack with a point cost of 5 or less
C: One other Small- or medium-based Convergence solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Destruction Initiative
Army Composition
+: Destructotron 3000
Requisition Options
+: Destructotron 3000
Special Rules
C: New text for Shield Guard TEMPLATED
Hammer Strike
Army Composition
+: Gudrun Solos
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Irregulars
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Kingmaker’s Army
Army Composition
C: Boomhowler models/units
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Llaelese Resistance
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Operating Theater
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Soldiers of Fortune
Requisition Options
-: Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire
-: Stannis Brocker
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Talion Charter
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Mercenary solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: New text for Sacrificial Pawn TEMPLATED
Band of Heroes
Army Composition
-: Trollkin Skinner
+: Scout models/units
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Kriel Company
Army Composition
+: Trollkin Skinner
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Power of Dhunia
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Storm of the North
Army Composition
+: Scout models/units
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Trollblood solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Bones of Orboros
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Circle solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Devourer’s Host
Requisition Options
-: One Wolf Rider Champion solo
C: One other Small- or medium-based Circle solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Secret Masters
Army Composition
+: Wurmwood, Tree of Fate
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: New text for Sacrificial Pawn TEMPLATED
The Wild Hunt
Army Composition
+: Loki
+: Ghetorix
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Circle solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Disciples of Agony
Requisition Options
C: One non-character Agonizer warbeast
-: One Basilisk Krea warbeast
C: One other Small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
C: New text for Sacrificial Pawn TEMPLATED
The Exalted
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Masters of War
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Winds of Death
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Skorne solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Children of the Dragon
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Oracles of Annihilation
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Primal Terrors
Requisition Options
-: One Hellmouth unit
C: One other Small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Ravens of War
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Legion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Bump in the Night
Army Composition
+: Witchwood solos
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Grymkin solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Dark Menagerie
Requisition Options
+: One Witchwood solo
C: One other Small- or medium-based Grymkin solo with a point cost of 5 or less
The Blindwater Congregation
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Minion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Special Rules
-: Gatorman Posse trooper models in this army have their damage boxes increased from 5 to 8
+: Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place two 4˝ AOE shallow water terrain features anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear table edge of your deployment zone.
The Thornfall Alliance
Requisition Options
+: One Battle Boar warbeast
C: One other Small- or medium-based Minion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Will Work For Food
Requisition Options
C: One other Small- or medium-based Minion solo with a point cost of 5 or less
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Icelink le 21 octobre 2021 à 22:11:13
Wan et ben ça change pas mal de truc la chez pp
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: baldur59 le 21 octobre 2021 à 22:17:32
C'est clair , c'est un sacré chamboulement.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: ludmar le 22 octobre 2021 à 09:43:45
En parcourant tous les changements je vois une baisse de point conséquente.
Je me demande si il ne serait pas judicieux de revoir les formats car en 75pts on augment fortement le nombre de figurine.
A force il y a trop de monde à jouer en 1H.
Il y a eu du bruit que ca va changer? genre 50pts en 1h de clock?
Titre: Re : Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Lady Numiria le 22 octobre 2021 à 10:46:41
En parcourant tous les changements je vois une baisse de point conséquente.
Je me demande si il ne serait pas judicieux de revoir les formats car en 75pts on augment fortement le nombre de figurine.
A force il y a trop de monde à jouer en 1H.
Il y a eu du bruit que ca va changer? genre 50pts en 1h de clock?

Perso je suis à +1000 aussi pour que le nouveau format officiel devienne le SR 50. Déjà que quand tu compares Mk2 et Mk3 t'as gagné 2-3 solo, alors maintenant que t'en regagnes encore tout autant + un jack/beast light, le 75 à mes yeux j'ai toujours trouvé ça "trop", pas équilibré et pas très tournoi-friendly non plus, ça serait l'occaz de remettre les clocks à l'heure, littéralement  :D
Titre: Re : Re : Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: TheLazyHase le 22 octobre 2021 à 11:10:06
En parcourant tous les changements je vois une baisse de point conséquente.
Je me demande si il ne serait pas judicieux de revoir les formats car en 75pts on augment fortement le nombre de figurine.
A force il y a trop de monde à jouer en 1H.
Il y a eu du bruit que ca va changer? genre 50pts en 1h de clock?

Perso je suis à +1000 aussi pour que le nouveau format officiel devienne le SR 50. Déjà que quand tu compares Mk2 et Mk3 t'as gagné 2-3 solo, alors maintenant que t'en regagnes encore tout autant + un jack/beast light, le 75 à mes yeux j'ai toujours trouvé ça "trop", pas équilibré et pas très tournoi-friendly non plus, ça serait l'occaz de remettre les clocks à l'heure, littéralement  :D

C'est une illusion d'optique. Tout ne baisse pas, loin de là, et les baisses qui permettent de faire des listes plus populeuses qu'avant sont rare (y en a qq cas limites mais c'est tout). Ce que fait cet update de façon trés visible, c'est que ca améliore la diversité de figs que tu peut amener.

Si tu veut un exemple pratique, en Skorne les listes Master of War n'ont pas plus de gens sur la table. Par contre ils peuvent remplacer des karax ou swordmen par des cataphracts. Mais ca fait pas une armée plus grosse. Les listes full beasts pareil, on peut remplacer des archidons et rhinodons par des titans mais ca augmente pas la quantité de fig non plus. Le seul cas où tu pourrais théoriquement mettre plus de figs qu'avant sur la table c'est genre si tu spamme des paingivers bloodrunner (et encore, la FA va pas spécialement aider à cela)

Le pire, c'est que c'est une erreur de raisonement tellement facile de tomber dedans que j'imagine que 50% des gens vont tomber dedans à plein pied, et insister que clairement le format est plus gros en nombre de fig.

(aussi, le 75 a toujours a tout moment été beaucoup plus équilibré que le brawlmachine)
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Lady Numiria le 22 octobre 2021 à 11:33:13
On a jamais parlé de Brawlmachine ^^ mais du 50 vs le 75 en termes d'équilibrage et de facilité de jeu en tournoi.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Titi le 22 octobre 2021 à 11:45:45
Tout dépend de la faction jouée... ;)

En Cygnar, 50 points est insuffisant pour combler tous les manques.
Le format à 50 points avantage certaines factions et en enfonce d'autres.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Krador le 22 octobre 2021 à 12:59:48
Perso je ne pense pas atteindre une masse critique en nombre de figurines. En ManoWar, les pts en plus vont me permettre de rentrer Behemoth (my love !) avec un autre Jack. Et j'aurai peut-être assez de pts pour mettre un solo de plus (genre le Drakhun). En clair, j'aurai un seul solo en plus.

Mais je pourrais faire autrement, oui, faire plus populeux. A voir, c'est une affaire de choix du joueur entre avoir plus de monde ou passer moins de temps à la clock.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: slec le 22 octobre 2021 à 14:18:00
Clairement une fausse bonne idée de réduire le format.

Les seules compo qui bougent vraiment sont celles qui restaient sur l'étagère.

Genre legion of dawn, Tu mettras juste des warjacks lourds au lieu des légers parce que tu n'avais juste pas les points avec des unités à 23 pts...
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: ludmar le 22 octobre 2021 à 14:41:11
Je comprends mieux merci pour toutes les précisions.
Donc ça ouvre plus de possibilité pour entrer du gros qu'avant ou du non vu.
Et permettre plus de diversité que de réellement augmenter le spam/quantité de fig sur la table.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: slec le 22 octobre 2021 à 17:40:46
pour te donner une idée :
Mes listes shadow sont exactement les mêmes.
Mes listes defenders of Ios ont plus de possibilité, je dois les repenser un peu.
Mes listes forge of war sont à retravailler complétement, mais en bien !
Mes listes legion of dawn sont maintenant existantes

Beaucoup plus d'option à 1,2 ou 3 pts.
Concrètement, tout ce qui tire était surtaxé donc moins joué sauf ceux qui était bien.

Le meilleur exemple: le vanquisher chez Menoth, ce jack existe maintenant. Il passe de 17pts à 13pts.
Le reckoner perd 2pts, il passe de mouais, il vaut pas ses points à ouais carrément.

Dans l'ensemble, c'est très chouette.
La nouvelle personne qui gère le game design va globalement dans une autre direction qui me plait bien.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Booggy le 22 octobre 2021 à 22:00:27
Après avoir passé un peu de temps (bon ok... une bonne partie de la journée ^^') à refaire quelques listes en 75 pts, j'ai le sentiment que cette baisse de pts globale permettra quand même de faire des listes sympas/viables en 50 pts, notamment en GraveDigger ou Sons of the Tempest pour Cygnar.

Ca me choquerait pas que ce format ré-apparaisse un peu plus.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: slec le 23 octobre 2021 à 10:22:37
Oui c'est clair, il a peut-être une place le 50pts.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: connetable_pa le 24 octobre 2021 à 23:02:58
Le pire, c'est que c'est une erreur de raisonement tellement facile de tomber dedans que j'imagine que 50% des gens vont tomber dedans à plein pied, et insister que clairement le format est plus gros en nombre de fig.

This exactly.

En fait, t'as le choix désormais entre le solo pété riot quest/Archon autre (exemple pris au hasard), ou des options moins chers, et sans doute moins fumées. Et moins vues. Bref, du choix.
Titre: Re : Dynamic Update Preview
Posté par: Alris le 01 novembre 2021 à 08:24:50
Clair qu en cygnar, quand je voie les baisses de points de certains jack/unités,  ça donne envie de les retenter utiliser les jack marshal.
Le lancer a 8, le Firefly a 7, le minutes a 8,.... Même les solos c dingue, Falk a 3 points, est encore plus auto incluse en Sons le the tempest.