COMMUNAUTÉ > Lyon Summer Masters 2012, August 25/26th

Q² Challenge REVISITED

(1/2) > >>

John McForester:
Some of you may have heard of the Q² challenge during the French Open. The idea was to apply character restriction to all 6 army lists (instead of 3), but for the Masters we will "only" play 3 lists and the character restriction is already part of the rules. So we had a chat with Q² in Besançon, and we found out a way to add some challenge to making lists.

Instead of applying character restriction, we decided to apply FA to all three lists. That way all our precious solos are restricted to one or two lists, and if merc players still complain about character restriction, we can laugh at them all day long.

You can go even further and claim a Q² level 2, inspired by some players (including Zoro but he wasn't the first one) who created lists in which they played every single model they own only once.

So :

EPIC Q² level 1: all models / units are restricted to their FA. Some theme lists can increase FA, but it still works the same. Example for Cryx : only one skarlock, two warwitch sirens, 1 Deathjack, and 2 units of Satyxis Raiders and one Satyxis Sea Witch (UA). If the two units are in a theme force that grants a free UA, you can have 2 UAs in it, or a UA in another list (except you can't have the second unit in another list)

EPIC EPIC Q² level 2: all your models are restricted to how many you actually have, in addition to level 1 restrictions. If you want to field a Khador Devastator (FA: U) in all three lists, you will have to bring three painted Devastator models. But it's better to have different models ;D

You don't have to use these restrictions to take part to the tournament, but let's see what men with balls of steel can do.
Personally, I will definitely be an epic Q², and will do my best to paint enough for level 2.

Q² do you approve this message?

Ahahaah I'm still asking to myself is it really possible?, at the moment I don't fill in the Fa restriction on all lists, I still have to work on lists to see if I can do it, but because you put my name in the title I guess I have to try to make it.

Anyway I'm curious to see how many can follow this it is way harder thant the simple chara restriction.

McForester you have big balls, you've got the jack ^^

I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

Hop pour ma part, le Q² challenge niveau deux a été atteint (bon, la liste Brisbane sent clairement le je termine les troupes mais bon, elle ne sortira pas souvent ;) ). Avec le recul, j'aurai peut être pu optimisé un peu plus les listes mais bon, ça devrait le faire.

Au final : 129 figurines différentes peintes (en comptant les équipages comme figs à part entière, 121 sinon)

Alris tu as quand même la giga classe, je crois que tu es le seul à remplir ces conditions improbables pour la peine je demanderai à Starpu de te tailler une pipe ^^


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