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Vice Scrutator Vindictus
SPD: 6
STR: 6
MAT: 7
RAT: 5
DEF: 15
ARM: 16
CMD: 9
FOC: 6
WJ Points: +6
Damage: 16
Death Toll [Holy Zealot] :
When this model destroys a living enemy model with a melee attack, after the attack is resolved you can add one Grunt
to a friendly Holy Zealot unit in this models command range. The Grunt must be placed in formation and within 3˝ of this model.
The destroyed model is removed from play but does not provide a soul or corpse token.
Sacrificial Pawn [Holy Zealot] :
When this model is directly hit by an ennemy ranged attack, you can choose to have one friendly, non-incorporeal Holy Zealot
model within 3", of this model diretly hit instead. That model is automaically hit and suffers all damage and effects.
Weapons :
Lawgiver (sword)
P+S: 12
Blessed (ignores DEF and ARM from spells)
Solace (Flail)
P+S: 12
Chain weapon
Defenders Ward
Cost 2, RNG 6, Upkeepe
Target friendly Faction model/uit gains +2 DEF and ARM
Cost 2, RNG 8, POW 12, Offensive
Immolation causes fire damage. On a critical hit, the model hit suffers the Fire continuous effect.
Sacrificial Lamb
Cost 1, RNG Self
Remove one friendly living model's control area from play to allocate 1 focus point to each warjack in this model's
battlegroup that in currently in its control area. Sacrificial Lamb can be cast only once per turn.
Cost 3, RNG 8, AOE 4, PUI 13, Offensive
The AOE is rough terrain and remains in play for one round
True Path
Cost 3, RNG Self, AOE CTRL, NOT upkeepable
Friendly faction WARRIOR models/units beginning their activations in his control get +2" of movement and Pathfinder during their
activations. True path lasts for one turn.
FEAT: Penitence
When one or more friendly faction models are DAMAGED by an enemy attack while in his control area, after the attack is
resolved, the attacker takes one damage point. Feat lasts for one round
Il est très tourné vers la troupe, avec le sort qui booste le mouvement et donne Pathfinder, les Templars vont être terrible.
Toutefois le soutien des Jacks n'est pas totalement en reste avec le Sacrificial Lamb.
Il a une DEF, ARM plus que correct pour un Caster Ménithe.
Le Feat est très costaux sur l'infanterie adverse mono-PV.
En partie double caster, avec Amon, ça doit être bien la fête !