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August rulebook update and errata
« le: 22 août 2021 à 12:07:18 »

This is a small update, including changes to the rules governing the rule of least disturbance, colossals, battle engines, gargantuans, and new rules for colossal horrors. Four cards also received updates—one due to an oversight and the other three for rules clarity.

Rule of Least Disturbance
The rule of least disturbance has have the following changes:

Pg. 33: Change the last sentence of the first paragraph of the rule of least disturbance section to the following:

If the model that was moving overlaps the base of a model that cannot be moved or if the model that was moving is smaller than the base it overlaps, the moving model is repositioned using the rule of least disturbance.

Pg. 67: The Colossal version of the Massive rule becomes:

A colossal cannot be pushed, knocked down, or made stationary. A colossal cannot be moved by a slam or throw. A colossal is never affected by the rule of least disturbance. A colossal cannot be affected by the Grievous Wounds special rule. If a colossal would require another huge-based model to move through the rule of least disturbance, instead the moving colossal is moved backward along its most recent line of movement until it can be legally placed.

Pg. 73: The Gargantuan version of the Massive rule becomes:

A gargantuan cannot be pushed, knocked down, or made stationary. A gargantuan is never affected by the rule of least disturbance. A gargantuan cannot be moved by a slam or throw. A gargantuan cannot be affected by the Grievous Wounds special rule. If a gargantuan would require another huge-based model to move through the rule of least disturbance, instead the moving gargantuan is moved backward along its most recent line of movement until it can be legally placed.

Pg. 82: The Battle Engine version of the Massive rule becomes:

A battle engine cannot be pushed, knocked down, or made stationary. A battle engine cannot be moved by a slam or throw. A battle engine is never affected by the rule of least disturbance. A battle engine cannot be affected by the Grievous Wounds special rule. If a battle engine would require another huge-based model to move through the rule of least disturbance, instead the moving battle engine is moved backward along its most recent line of movement until it can be legally placed.

This change means that smaller-based models, even if they were the moved model, are still moved with least disturbance before larger models. Note that a slammed or thrown model still affects the models in its move, even if a model should later be moved with the rule of least disturbance.

Additionally, this combination of rules entirely stops any chance of a huge-based model gaining additional movement from the rule of least disturbance. If a huge-based model should ever be required to be moved, instead rewind the most recent movement (regardless of what type of movement it was) until the moving huge-based model can be legally placed. Never again shall tridents suddenly forward several inches due to a covering fire template or free strike.

Colossal Rules Update
Other than the above rule for Massive, Great Machine was also updated. The new text is as follows:

Pg. 67: The rule Great Machine changes to the following:

A colossal never suffers Disruption . A colossal can never gain Advance Deployment , Incorporeal , or Stealth . A colossal cannot be forced to or voluntarily forfeit its normal movement or combat action except to aim.

This is designed to increase the strength of colossals, gargantuans, and colossal horrors; it is not meant to fix a rules exploit. The added text is “A colossal cannot be forced to or voluntarily forfeit its normal movement or combat action except to aim.” This ensures that these extremely expensive centerpiece models cannot be effectively negated by a single spell (looking at you, Stranglehold). This will have the unfortunate side effect of making Haley 2 less powerful; however, we have plans to address that soon. All models of this class will have the same added text.

Gargantuan Rules Update
In addition to the Massive rule changing, Great Beast has seen some changes as well.

Pg. 73: The rule Great Beast changes to the following:

A gargantuan cannot be affected by the Paralysis special rule. A gargantuan can never gain Advance Deployment , Incorporeal , or Stealth . A gargantuan cannot be forced to or voluntarily forfeit its normal movement or combat action except to aim.

Gargantuans, like colossals, cannot be forced to forfeit their movement or their combat action. Unlike colossals, they also became resistant to another special rule: Paralysis. Gargantuans will no longer be affected by a small amount of electricity or poison, causing them to not be able to charge. This new resistance will apply to both Paralysis and Critical: Paralysis.

Colossal Horrors Rules
With the Harvester and Guardian of Souls, the rules for horrors needed to be updated to explain what these did in-game. All the rules below are the same as the gargantuan versions of the same rules (with the obvious exception of the name being changed).

Pg. 98: Add the following rules to the page:

Colossal Horrors
Colossal horrors are incredibly powerful monsters from the outer abyss, so much so that a single infernal master cannot summon them. As a result of their great size and raw power, there are a number of special rules that apply to colossal horrors but not to smaller horrors. A colossal horror is a huge-based (120 mm) horror.

Controlling a Colossal Horror
Colossal horrors must be assigned to a battlegroup. Your opponent can never take control of your colossal horrors.

Colossal Horror Movement
A colossal horror can advance only during its Normal Movement. A colossal horror can never be placed.

Terrifying Monstrosity
A colossal horror cannot be affected by the Paralysis special rule. A colossal horror can never gain Advance Deployment , Incorporeal , or Stealth . A colossal horror cannot be forced to or voluntarily forfeit its normal movement or combat action except to aim.

A colossal horror cannot be pushed, knocked down, or made stationary. A colossal horror is never affected by the rule of least disturbance. A colossal horror cannot be moved by a slam or throw. A colossal horror cannot be affected by the Grievous Wounds special rule. If a colossal horror would require another huge-based model to move through the rule of least disturbance, instead the moving colossal horror is moved backward along its most recent line of movement until it can be legally placed.

Ranged Attacks While in Melee
A colossal horror can make ranged attacks while in melee.

Card Updates
Smite on Kogan the Exile
Smite – A model directly hit by this attack can be slammed d6˝ directly away from this model. If the model hit has a larger base than the attacking model, it is moved only half the distance rolled. The POW of collateral damage is equal to the STR of this model.

Kogan’s Smite has been updated to reduce the distance that he smites when he hits larger models. This was an oversight, and this update fixes that mistake.

Drag Below on Razor Worm, Helldiver, and Barathrum
Drag Below – During this model’s activation, when this model boxes an enemy warrior model, this model can use Drag Below to remove the boxed model from play. Immediately after resolving this attack, this model can make a full advance and then perform a Dig In special action, then its activation ends. This model cannot be targeted by free strikes during this movement.

This change was made to make the timing of Drag Below easier to understand. There are no actual changes in functionality of the rule, but when the boxed model is removed from play (and the fact that using Drag Below at all is tied to removing the boxed model from play) is made much clearer in this version.

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Re : August rulebook update and errata
« Réponse #1 le: 23 août 2021 à 14:02:15 »
Bon changement Stranglehold était un peu fort contre les colosses
figs peintes: 309  Khador
                    222 Légion
                      63 Mercenaire
                      26 Minion
                      12 Cygnar

Hors ligne slec

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Re : August rulebook update and errata
« Réponse #2 le: 23 août 2021 à 16:51:23 »
bof, c'est un sort qui coûte cher car tu dois full booster.

Tu dois blesser absolument avec pow11 donc ce n'est pas forcément évident sur une armure mini de 19 ou 20 sans compter les bonus d'armure possible.

Franchement il n'est pas terrible maintenant. ça ne change rien pour moi en Ret, Vyros1 est tout pourri.
« Modifié: 23 août 2021 à 17:57:58 par slec »
"On peut violer les lois sans qu'elles crient" Talleyrand

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Re : August rulebook update and errata
« Réponse #3 le: 23 août 2021 à 17:44:34 »
Ca change un peu des choses pour Wurmwood, qui avec Curse of Shadows et du puppet master facile pouvait placer du Stranglehold tranquillement
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