While in Damiano's control range, friendly Mercenary models gain +3 STR and ARM and can move or be moved only during your turn. Conquest lasts for one round.
Move the thrown model from its current location in a straight line directly toward the point of impact. During this movement, a thrown model moves through models with smaller bases without contacting them.
When a model is slammed, it is moved a certain distance directly away from the point of origin of the slam (usually the attacker), then becomes knocked down (p. 61). The distance the slammed model is moved is determined by the spell or attack that caused the slam.
Il y a deux façons de déplacer une figurine : elle peut être "moved" (de manière intentionnelle ou non) ou "placed". Une figurine qui est lancée ou slammée est "moved".
Pendant le feat de Damiano, une figurine n'est pas déplacée par un throw ou un slam.
Elle peut toutefois être "placed" par d'autres effets comme Telekinesis.