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Steelhead CID
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--- Citer ---Welcome to the Steelhead CID, there's a lot to discuss, so let's jump right into the changes and new models shall we?
New Models
Steelhead Cannon Crew
The Steelhead CID introduce three new weapon crews to this classic Mercenary force. Each weapon crew should provide a different battlefield role, with no single weapon crew being more viable in most situations than another. The Cannon Crew is made for blasting hard targets, and pairs extremely well with the Gunner's Siege Tactics ability when firing at huge based models.
Steelhead Mortar Crew
The Mortar is intended to clear out infantry that could potentially jam up the Steelhead infantry lines. Thanks to High Explosive and Arcing Fire, mortars can fire past your own lines and decimate light infantry.
Steelhead Volley Gun Crew
The Volley Gun shreds enemies that get too close to your army's backline, and also provides covering fire for additional waves of infantry following behind cavalry.
Things to test: Do you feel that each weapon crew has a unique role? Are you finding value in each?
Steelhead Arcanist
The Arcanist first and foremost provides a tremendous buff to Steelheads by granting magic weapons to all of them within 8". This will ensure a Steelhead gunline fire into pesky things such as Incorporeal models or Menite warjacks. Additionally, the three spells this solo packs all offer utility that should be useful in a variety of situations. Empower is nearly always great, while the ability to remove clouds or blast nearby enemies with a powerful AOE are more situational.
Things to Test: Do you find the Arcanist's spell list engaging and useful?
Steelhead Gunner
First thing to note, the Gunner is also a Rhulic model, so Hammerstrike players get a nice surprise in this CID. Desperate Pace for Weapon Crews will help get them into firing position faster, but Siege Tactics and Veteran Leader help turn a Steelhead artillery gunline in a terrifying threat.
Things to Test: Are the buffs provided by the Gunner too much? Is his personal ranged output with a Rat 6, POW 12 flamethrower too strong?
Steelhead Ironhead
Darius may have done it first, but that doesn't mean he's the only one walking around in a giant repair suit. The Ironhead represents an incredibly durable Steelhead mechanic that can wade into battle and keep warjacks fighting. Additionally, it has Crane, allowing for movement tricks and non-linear attack lanes. Please note that the language on Crane is changing such that a model cannot be affected by Crane more than once per turn.
Things to Test: Is this model too durable and too offensive for its point cost and utility. How has Crane affected your tactics and is it too strong on a non-character solo?
Legacy Models
Increase the RNG of the Steam Lobber to 10
The Mule is a classic warjack that works as intended, but we felt it needed a bit more oomph compared to other ranged options in the Faction. A slight increase to its base Steam Lobber RNG should help it get involved in the fighter sooner than later.
Cost 12.
Compared to other warjacks in the Faction, the Nomad was slightly too efficient. Much like the Juggernaut in Khador, we've decided to raise its points by 1 to bring it in line with other warjacks.
Cost 17
A reasonable points decrease brings this warjack to the value we feel is appropriate for its functionality.
Cost 14
A reasonable points decrease brings this warjack to the value we feel is appropriate for its functionality.
Steelhead Halberdiers
No changes were made to Halberdiers. Given the suite of support solos and new Theme Force available, we consider them costed appropriately for their functionality.
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry
Cut Assault XICONX.
Gain Point-Blank:
Point-Blank - During its activation, this model can make melee attacks with its ranged weapon, with a melee range of 0.5˝. Do not add this model’s STR to damage rolls made with ranged weapons. Charge attacks made with ranged weapons are not boosted.
Mount attack POW 12
We've made a functionality change to the Steelhead Cav that allows them gain the Flank bonus when charging into battle with not only their axes, but now their Blunderbuss as well. Additionally their mounts hit harder, making this unit the premiere shock troops of a Steelhead army.
Steelhead Riflemen
No changes were made to Riflemen. Given the suite of support solos and new Theme Force available, we consider them costed appropriately for their functionality.
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire
Change Soul Taker: Collector to Soul Taker: Spectral Scavenger:
Soul Taker: Spectral Scavenger - This model can gain soul tokens. When a living model is destroyed in this model’s command range, this model gains the destroyed model’s soul token. This model can have up to three soul tokens at any time.
Alexia 2 can now gain soul tokens from any living model destroyed in her command range, friendly or enemy. This should ensure she's steadily using her unique soul based abilities turn to turn as intended.
Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye
MAT 6.
RAT 6.
Increase the size of Field Medic to 5".
Nicolas received a small bump in both MAT and RAT, but more importantly gained an increase to the range of his Field Medic ability, which should allow him to more reliably keep nearby models safe.
Stannis Brocker
Gain Tough XICONX.
Gain Unyielding:
Unyielding - This model gains +2 ARM against melee damage rolls.
Thrasher gains Weapon Master XICONX.
Mount attack POW 12.
For one of the toughest, meanest Steelheads out there, we felt that Stannis needed to be a bit tougher and meaner. As a key support solo in a Steelhead army, Stannis is now more survivable and capable of doing more damage as he crashes into enemy lines.
Theme Forces
Steelhead Theme Force
Army Composition
An army made using this theme force can include only the following models:
· Mercenary warcasters
· Non-character Mercenary warjacks
· Rocinante
· Alexia models/units
· Steelhead models/units
· Dannon Blythe & Bull
· Herne & Jonne
· Alten Ashley
· Anastasia di Bray
· Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
· Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
· Ogrun Bokur solos
· Rutger Shaw, Professional Adventurer
· Taryn di la Rovissi, Llaelese Gun Mage
· Mercenary solos with the Attached rule
Special Rules
· For every 20 points of Steelhead models/units in this army, you can add one solo or Steelhead weapon crew free of cost. Free models/units do not count toward the total point value of Steelhead models/units in the army when calculating this bonus.
· Solos in this army gain Mark Target. (Other friendly Faction models gain +2 to ranged attack rolls against enemy models within 5˝ of a model with Marked Target and in its LOS.)
· Steelhead cavalry models in this army gain Bulldoze. (When a model with Bulldoze is B2B with an enemy model during its Normal Movement, it can push that model up to 2˝ directly away from it. A model can be pushed by Bulldoze only once per turn. Bulldoze has no effect when a model makes a trample power attack.)
· Before models are deployed at the start of the game, you can place one wall template anywhere completely within 20˝ of the rear table edge of your deployment zone. The template cannot be placed within 3˝ of a hill, obstacle, or obstruction. The template is an obstacle that grants cover.
The Steelhead theme reflects the fighting tactics of the mercenary company, rows of artillery supporting waves of infantry. Cavalry models in particular will be useful in both scenario play, and to "bounce" away key enemy models that deserve to be lit up by cannon fire. Please note that Bulldoze is changing, and now a model can only be pushed by Bulldoze once per turn. This will affect a wide array of models across the game.
Things to test: Is Mark Target too strong of a benefit given the ranged firepower of this theme force? Is Bulldoze on all cav models too strong, even with the new language?
Irregulars Theme Force
Change the first benefit to the following:
For every full 30 points of units and warjacks in this army, you can add one command attachment or small- or medium-based solo without the Lesser Warlock special rule to the army free of cost.
Irregulars has proven to be a bit too strong in comparison to other Mercenary theme forces. Primarily because it is not as restricted as the other themes in regards to available models. To compensate for the benefit of taking nearly every Mercenary model available in these theme, we are increasing the # of points required to trigger the free model benefit.
--- Fin de citation ---
Putain Alexia2 est vraiment pas mal
euh ouais, elle marche comme elle aurait du marcher pour etre credible, c'est cool pour un beau model :)
par contre moi c'est le slipstream pour 4pts (ou gratos) qui me parait carrement fat. je sais pas si la faction en a besoin. qui n'a pas besoin d'un place gratos en meme temps ?
et j'aime bien le bonus de bulldoze sur la cav aussi, je crois pas que ca existait deja, et pour le coup c'est bourrin-subtil, ca change agreablement.
le mark the target c'est pas un peu fat ?
Ça annonce du bon en tout cas
Mark the target est compensé par le fait que tout le monde est RAT 5 en steelhead (hors Damiano). Et les gunlines ne sont pas a la fête en ce moment. Ni les TF infanteries d'ailleurs quand on voit les tharns et le Judicator en face.
Perso j'aime bien ce départ de CID. Des changements / apports intéressants mais rien d'ultime. Je suis juste triste pour Rocinante et la mule qui ne verront pas plus le jour.
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