Greylord Adjunct
Khador Solo
6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 13 | 13 | 7 |
FA: 1
Point Cost: 4
Base Size: Small
Damage: 5
Attached - Before the start of the game, attach this model to a friendly warcaster for the rest of the game. Each warcaster can have only one model/unit attached to it.
Immunity: Cold
Arcane Assist - If its warcaster is in this model’s command range during your Control Phase, the warcaster can upkeep one spell without spending focus.
Magic Ability [6]- Blizzard (★Action) - Choose a friendly Faction model within 5˝ of this model. Center a 3˝ AOE cloud effect on the chosen model. The AOE remains centered on the model for one round. If the chosen model is destroyed or removed from play, remove the AOE from play.
- Frostbite (★Attack) - Frostbite is a RNG SP 8 magic attack. Models hit suffer a POW 12 cold damage roll XICONX.
- Guidance (★Action) - RNG CMD. Target friendly model. If the model is in range, it gains Eyeless Sight XICONX and its weapons gain Damage Type: Magical XICONX for one turn.
Spiritual Conduit - While its warcaster is in this model’s command range, when the warcaster casts a spell and is the point of
origin for the spell, the spell gains +2 RNG.
Mechanikal Sword [1x] (None) sword icon RNG: 1 POW: 4P+S: 9
Damage Type: Magical