Les gens vont découvrir en 2018 que Una2 DH c'est fort
Sinon les premières listes qui me viennent à l'esprit :
War Room Army
Circle Orboros - Morv1 Gunline
Theme: The Devourer's Host
3 / 3 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Morvahna the Autumnblade - WB: +28
- Tharn Blood Shaman - PC: 4
- Argus Moonhound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
- Brennos the Elderhorn - PC: 15 (Battlegroup Points Used: 15)
- Argus Moonhound - PC: 6 (Battlegroup Points Used: 6)
Lord of the Feast - PC: 0
Tharn Wolf Rider Champion - PC: 0
Tharn Ravager White Mane - PC: 0
Tharn Blood Pack - Leader & 5 Grunts: 15
Tharn Blood Pack - Leader & 5 Grunts: 15
Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 15
- Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 5
Brighid & Caul - Brighid & Caul: 7
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron - Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron: 5
Death Wolves - Skoll, Tala & Caleb: 9
THEME: The Devourer's Host
GENERATED : 10/31/2018 11:31:23
BUILD ID : 2069.18-10-06
War Room Army
Circle Orboros - post CID Iona
Theme: The Devourer's Host
3 / 3 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Iona the Unseen - WB: +28
- Warpwolf Stalker - PC: 17 (Battlegroup Points Used: 17)
- Feral Warpwolf - PC: 16 (Battlegroup Points Used: 11)
Tharn Ravager Shaman - PC: 0
Tharn Wolf Rider Champion - PC: 0
Bloodweaver Night Witch - PC: 4
Swamp Gobber Chef - PC: 1
Brighid & Caul - Brighid & Caul: 7
Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 15
- Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 0
Tharn Ravagers - Leader & 5 Grunts: 15
- Tharn Ravager Chieftain - PC: 5
Tharn Wolf Riders - Leader & 4 Grunts: 18
Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron - Boil Master & Spirit Cauldron: 5
THEME: The Devourer's Host
GENERATED : 10/31/2018 11:32:09
BUILD ID : 2069.18-10-06
War Room Army
Circle Orboros - Una2 Call the Raptor
Theme: Call of the Wild
4 / 4 Free Cards 75 / 75 Army
Una the Skyhunter - WB: +29
- Storm Raptor - PC: 34 (Battlegroup Points Used: 29)
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Scarsfell Griffon - PC: 8
- Gorax Rager - PC: 7
- Gorax Rager - PC: 7
Blackclad Wayfarer - PC: 0
Blackclad Wayfarer - PC: 0
Lord of the Feast - PC: 0
Shifting Stones - Leader & 2 Grunts: 0
THEME: Call of the Wild
GENERATED : 10/31/2018 11:33:12
BUILD ID : 2069.18-10-06
Y'a de quoi faire, mais ça va être question de meta et de pairing (et de sorties/emprunts pour le B&R).
pBaldur est très sexy aussi, et suivant les règles du Well il pourrait vouloir en jouer un pour le feat et Solid Ground à 14"