CID week 4:
Welcome to Week 4 of the Crucible Guard CID!
We've made some rather large changes to the Crucible Guard. These are based on weeks of feedback, in person conversations, and community observation. As we move forward, please make sure to rigorously test these changes as some of them are quite aggressive.
Revert Immunities change.
We will be rolling back the immunities changes discussed throughout this CID. We have a lot of information on both sides as of now and would like to remove them from the current testing regiment.
Aurum Legate Lukas di Morray: Lukas pushed a big risk and reward play style, but in the end it could be just a little too risky. This should help him avoid killing him self after a big feat turn as he can 'cool down' faster.
Gains Health Care:
Health Care - When this model removes juice tokens while in Little Alyce’s command range, this model can remove up to two additional juice tokens.
Marshal General Baldwin Gearhart: We are continuing to refine how we want to see Arms Caddy functions now that Gearhart and Clogg are a unit. We are also putting Snipe in for Molten Metal. We will be keeping a very close eye on this.
Change Arms Caddy to:
Arms Caddy - Once per activation while within 5˝ of Mr. Clogg, Gearhart can replace his ranged weapon with one of the weapon’s on Mr. Clogg’s card. This effect lasts until Gearhart is affected by Arms Caddy again.
Trade Molten Metal for Snipe:
Snipe 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model’s/unit’s ranged weapons gain +4 RNG.
Mr. Clogg: See above.
Gain Johnny On the Spot:
Johnny On the Spot (★Action) - RNG 5. Target Gearhart. If Gearhart is in range, he immediately makes one basic melee or ranged attack.
Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke: We are continuing to refine Locke's feat as well as clarify her faction status. This change will remove the option to run the Toro or the Vanguard in Convergence lists. The changes to her feat should make it more impactful defensively while also providing a nice bonus of Magical Weapons.
Arcanodynamic Catalysis changed to:
Arcanodynamic Catalysis
Enemy upkeep spells and animi in Locke’s control range immediately expire. For one round, when an enemy model is forced, casts a spell, or spends 1 or more focus or fury points while in Locke’s control range, you can place one catalytic token on a model in Locke’s battle group currently in her control range. If a model casts a spell by spending focus or fury, Arcanodynamic Catalysis triggers only once. A model cannot have more than 3 catalytic tokens on it at any time. Models gain +1 DEF and +1 ARM for each catalytic token on them. The weapons of a model with one or more catalytic tokens gain Damage Type: Magical XICONX. Remove one catalytic token from each affected model at the end of its activation.
Gain Split Loyalties:
Split Loyalties - When included in a Crucible Guard army, Locke is a Crucible Guard model not a Convergence model. When included in a Convergence army, Locke is a Convergence model not a Crucible Guard model.
Captain Eira Mackay: We have moved oil off of Mackay and retuned the AOE 4 to her Mortar. We have replaced Oil with a new and upgraded Psychomorphic Destabilizer that now removes incorporeal from models that are hit. Oil has been moved to the Retaliator.
Alchemical Mortar AOE 4.
Replace Alchemical Accelerant with Psychomorphic Destabilizer:
Psychomorphic Destabilizer - This attack causes magic damage XICONX. Models hit by this attack lose Incorporeal XICONX for one round.
Retaliator: This is an interesting change that we are looking for feedback on. This is potentially very powerful and will be watched closely.
Replace Incendiary with Alchemical Accelerant.
Alchemical Accelerant - This attack causes no damage. A model hit by this attack suffers Oil for one round. (When a model affected by Oil suffers a fire damage roll XICONX, the roll is automatically boosted.)
Vindicator: A bit of added versatility in the Vindicator, it can no remove Incorporeal for a round.
Psychomorphic Destabilizer now removes Incorporeal.
Vulcan: While the Vulcan has performed very well it's not quite as strong as we would like. A slight point drop should help it fit that niche.
Cost 36.
Crucible Guard Infantry: Please test this unit with the Retaliator as it's synergies are very strong. Based on feedback and internal discussions all of the small based Crucible Guard Infantry style units are bumping up to ARM 14.
ARM 14.
Crucible Guard Rocketmen: There are quite a few changes here. We hope that these changes make the unit far more exciting while still keeping them balanced. We will be watching this quite closely as the CID moves along.
Gain Evasive Maneuvers (Order) and Strafing Run (Order):
Evasive Maneuvers (Order) - Until the start of their next activation, affected models gain +2 DEF and do not suffer blast damage.
Strafing Run (Order) - Affected models gain +2 SPD and Reposition [5˝] this turn. (At the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, a model with Reposition [5˝] can advance up to 5˝, then its activation ends.)
Crucible Guard Rocketman Captain: See Rocketmen Unit.
Cut Full Thrust and Granted: Reposition [3˝].
Gain Granted: Dodge, Mission Objective, and Tactics: Swift Hunter.
Granted: Dodge - While this model is in formation, models in its unit that are in formation gain Dodge. (A model with Dodge can advance up to 2˝ immediately after an enemy attack that missed it is resolved unless it was missed while advancing. It cannot be targeted by free strikes during this movement.)
Mission Objective - Once per game at any time during its unit’s activation, this model can use Mission Objective. When it does, choose an enemy model/unit in this model’s LOS. This activation, models in this model’s unit gains +2 to attack and damage rolls against the chosen model/unit.
Tactics: Swift Hunter - Models in this unit gain Swift Hunter. (When a model with Swift Hunter destroys one or more enemy models with a basic ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can advance up to 2˝.)
Dragon's Breath Rocket: See Crucible Guard Infantry entry.
ARM 14.
Rocketman Gunner: See Rocketmen Unit.
Gains 'Jack Hunter:
’Jack Hunter - This model gains an additional die on its melee and ranged damage rolls against warjacks.
Crucible Guard Mechanik: See Crucible Guard Infantry entry.
ARM 14.
Rocketman Ace: A re-imagining of the Ace, she is no longer a support model for the Rocketmen unit. She is now an elusive combat solo that is hard to pin down.
DEF 16.
Cost 4.
Cut Leadership.
Reposition becomes Reposition [5"].
Gains Swift Hunter and High Flier.
High Flier - This model does not suffer blast damage.
Swift Hunter - When this model destroys one or more enemy models with a basic ranged attack, immediately after the attack is resolved it can advance up to 2˝.
Gravity Bomb gains Brutal Damage:
Brutal Damage - On a direct hit, gain an additional die on this weapon’s damage rolls against the target directly hit.
Railless Interceptor: We felt the previous changes to the Railless may have gone too far. We are returning the AOE of the Alchemical Cannon to 4.
Alchemical Cannon gains AOE 4.