Tu peux toujours le changer en mettant Murdoch ou Valachev avec, mais ça fera 6 points et ça bouffera le character sur une unité de deux péons.
Il me semblait avoir lu je ne sais plus où que les characters pourront être joués dans les deux listes maintenant 
Je me suis mal exprimé, je voulais dire au sein de la même liste. Donc si tu paies A&H et Murdoch dans ta liste pour debuff les ennemis (pour environ 10 ou 11 points MK3...), tu ne pourras pas rendre d'autres unités Mercos Friendly Faction.
On continue les spoilers:
Q: Could we get some info on the non Rhulic jacks? So far the rhulic one got most of the spoiler love.
1. Freebooter
2. Vangaurd
3. Trusty Nomad.
4. Talon
R: 1.) His melee RNG went up to 1" (all heavies have at least RNG 1 on melee now.) Jury Rigged no longer costs a focus. Oh, and he's only 9 points.
2.) Mostly the same, but he hits harder in melee these days.
3.) Dirt cheap face breaker. 11 points, and his sword went up to P+S 18, still RNG 2. He also picked up a new ability that many Merc jacks have called Tried & True, which reads: When this model is affected by a Repair special action, remove 1 additional damage point from it.
4.) Hits harder in melee, costs next to nothing (7 points), and Stall now just makes a warjack hit by it go stationary for one round.
Q: How about the other, other two man Merc character unit - Blythe and Bull. Any love for this oft-forgotten duo?
R: They are cheap for the amount of hurt they bring to the table. Only 6 points for the duo.
Q: WOw, LOVING the changes to Freebooter.... Any chance we could get some info on my favorite Jack model in the whole game, the Mariner?
R: The Mariner sure is happy about that whole "all heavies get at least RNG 1 Melee" rule. Makes his Thresher attack even more devastating. Overall he remains mostly the same, but he did get cheaper overall, only costing 14 points.
Q: Will! Can we get points costs for Cephalyx units and montstrosities? Any changes to the Dominator?
R: Dominators are just straight up FA:2 now, so you can always bring two merc units in your Cephalyx list. Also they only cost 1 point ... which is like half a point in MK II terms. They still give out Tough, gained Stealth, and now when he dies since theyre aren't command checks in the game anymore he forces his unit to run during their next activation, then they are good to go like normal on the following turns.
Cephalyx models are ... cheap. Like crazy cheap. I mentioned earlier the Warden is only 10 points, the Dominator is 1 point, a unit of Mind Slaver & Drudges is 8/12. Oh, and making Drudges with the Mind Slaver unit is easier than ever thanks to their new Prep for Surgery rule which reads:
Prep For Surgery - While this model is in formation, when a living enemy warrior model in the melee range of two or more models in this unit is boxed by a melee attack made by a model in this unit, remove the enemy model from play. You can then add one Grunt to a friendly non-character Drudge unit in this model’s command range. Place the Grunt in formation and completely within this model’s command range. The Grunt must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it is put into play.
Q: Is it still too early for Jack Marshal teasers?
R: I believe Soles wrote an Insider you should see soon that talks all about the big changes to Jack Marshals.
Q: How about that merc duo we all know and love, Taryn and Shaw? Any news on a possible Rex or Toro chassis?
R: While Taryn remained mostly the same, she traded Iron Rot for Brutal Damage, and only costs 5 points. Rutger, on the other hand, got more changes than I can list at the moment. Including Drive: Shield Guard for the warjack under his control.
Q: 1: Follow up on freebooter. Has Trash changed? How about chain attack grab and smash?
2: Privatees!??!?!
2a: Doc Killingsworth
2b: Grogspar
2c: Hawk
2d: Rockbottom
3: Commodore Cannon?
4: Mariner, Loader? Y/N
5: Gallant? Still has accumulator?
R:1: Effectively the same as you know it.
2: Yes!??!?!
2a: He effects himself now with his "No, I'm Fine" rule
2b: 4 points is pretty cheap for all the good stuff he brings to the table
2c: Sucker got more range, her armor got a little nicer
2d: Still making it rain.
3: Did we mention its usable with any Privateer warcaster and not just Shae these days? Cause let me tell you, Fiona and Bart love this thing.
4: Yuuuuuuuuuuuup
5: Yuuuuuuuuuuuup
Q: Hi Hungerford, still on Taryn:
Did she keep her Shadow Fire attack? Was it returned back to only Friendly Faction or it's still usable by other factions?
R: She did, it simply says Shadow Fire - A model hit by this attack does not block LOS for one turn.
Q: What about... Kell Bailoch. The true sniper!
R: Still the rootin' tootin' magic gun shootin' fella you know and love. Cept he hurts more with his gun these days.
Deadly Shot - Instead of making a damage roll to resolve an attack with this weapon, you can choose to have a model hit by this weapon suffer 3 damage points instead. A model disabled by this attack cannot make a Tough roll.
Q: Oh Broadsides spoilers, where BART you? Did Batten survive? The idea of 9 point arm 20 heavies is making me light headed.
R: Batten still exists, Bart still has it. It's gross. (in a good way)