Auteur Sujet: Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?  (Lu 39951 fois)

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Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #50 le: 16 mai 2016 à 17:54:24 »
J'en suis qu'à la moitié, pour le moment, je viens de passer le profil des Croe's qui reste assez mauvais. Ils perdent 2 points MK2 pour passer de 7/10 à 5/8 mais également Poison. Pas d'attaque combinée, pas de buff de caracs, ça restera une unité très contextuelle.

Ben Backstab c'est pas si dégueu. 1 dé additionnel pour toucher et pour blesser dès que tu es dans l'arc arrière... c'est pas si mal, surtout s'ils coûtent moins cher.
Pas l'extase mais pas aussi pire qu'en mk2 je trouve.
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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #51 le: 16 mai 2016 à 17:59:47 »
J'avais pas vu le changement sur Backstab, bien vu! Effectivement, du coup une unité mini qui va courir sur un flanc pour faire suer son monde est carrément envisageable.

Pour Madhammer, ça devient un vrai thon avec son field Marshall, son nouveau type de tir et son Stormwall (Force Field) en version plus light mais pas moins bonne.
Constance Blaize est égale à elle-même, des noms changent mais les spells restent les mêmes. Le -2 en POW sur les Undeads dans sa zone de contrôle me paraît pas folichon, par contre Repudiate c'est cool. A voir mais je pense que ça va pas changer grand chose pour la miss en MK3.
Le Rockram gagne enfin ses lettres de noblesses en passant à 7 points, grâce au Power-Up et à Ram sur son tir.

Par contre, j'ai un Moebius, deux Bloat Thralls et un Machine Wraith à revendre  ::).
Je suis content qu'on pense aux joueurs Khador qui pourront continuer à jouer 65 Doom Reavers mais pas aux auxiliaires Cephalyx tiens!
« Modifié: 16 mai 2016 à 18:02:03 par Kaelis »
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #52 le: 16 mai 2016 à 18:01:36 »
Madhammer il envoie du bois ! :o
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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #53 le: 16 mai 2016 à 18:02:45 »
moins pire, c'est le mot pour les croe's  ;D (une unité en mini pour faire du contournement peux être sympa je pense)

edit : grillé par Kaelis

Par contre (et sauf si je n'ai rien suivi/compris), il n'y a plus d'indication pour les caster rhulic et leur jack (un caster humain peux donc prendre un jack rhulic et un caster rhulic un jack humain?)
Si, dans une partie, tu hesites à craquer ton feat, FAIT LE! (Un feat craqué est un feat heureux)

Khador / 4 stars / gators

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #54 le: 16 mai 2016 à 18:04:38 »
Constance a quand même un nouveau Transference qui marche sur tout type d'attaque, plus seulement mêlée... mais uniquement pour les modèles morrowan... Vous avez dit Harlen Versh ? ;)

Par contre son feat... ben est toujours mehhh pour moi.
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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #55 le: 16 mai 2016 à 18:12:34 »
C'est sûr que vu les tireurs de Morrow qu'on a à l'heure actuelle, ça change grand chose :D

Du forum PP:

Tune Up was significantly toned given that Power Up is a thing these days. It now reads: Tune Up [Rhulic warjack] (★Action) - RNG B2B. Target friendly Rhulic warjack. If the warjack is in range, all attack and damage rolls resulting from its next basic attack this turn are boosted.

Thor got much better at repairing though ... well so did everyone given that Repair checks are gone and you just automatically do so if you're in range. His Repair is now d3+3, which is one of the best Repair scores in the game.
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #56 le: 16 mai 2016 à 18:17:41 »

Q: I've heard a lot of questions on Renegades. Are we privy to whether they're still tied to Magnus?
R: They are. Renegades are still the light warjack that makes all non-Magnus casters jealous. It remains basically the same as you remember it, though its Shredder is now melee RNG 1, and it only costs 10 points.

Q: Will the Gunner and Blaster retain their Powerful Attack rule? It would be killer with Power Up.
R: They do. It is.

Q: Second. I own full FA of Kayazy, but don't play Khador, and don't intend to start. Curious about their new legality status.
R: Kayazy, Idrians, and Precursors are all still Mercenary Partisans, so you can take them in Merc armies. Heck, you could take all three in the same army if you wanted to.
The only Merc Partisans that are picky are the Cephalyx Overlords and the Mind Slavers, as was mentioned in the Insider today.

Q: Also if you have the time and notion to spoil a bit on our Lady Ashlynn D'Elyse. The mercenary community would be grateful.
R: Ashlynn is virtually unchanged, she is well realized in her design and operates exactly how we want her to on the table. Her melee weapon did go up to RNG 1 though ... Flashing Blade for days!

Q: Any info about Cephalyx profiles? Still they having same low stats-cost style?
R: Same low cost, same great taste. The Warden is only freaking 10 points. 10 POINTS!!!
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #57 le: 16 mai 2016 à 18:50:19 »

Du forum PP:

Tune Up was significantly toned given that Power Up is a thing these days. It now reads: Tune Up [Rhulic warjack] (★Action) - RNG B2B. Target friendly Rhulic warjack. If the warjack is in range, all attack and damage rolls resulting from its next basic attack this turn are boosted.

Thor got much better at repairing though ... well so did everyone given that Repair checks are gone and you just automatically do so if you're in range. His Repair is now d3+3, which is one of the best Repair scores in the game.

Ça fait mal dans les dents...
Fallait s en douter, mais j avoue avoir eu un petit espoir... peut être un boost sur l earthbreaker ?

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #58 le: 16 mai 2016 à 19:28:54 »
Q: Will the Gunner and Blaster retain their Powerful Attack rule? It would be killer with Power Up.
R: They do. It is.

Bouum ! Ça c'est excellent ! Et c'est balaise !

Q: Also if you have the time and notion to spoil a bit on our Lady Ashlynn D'Elyse. The mercenary community would be grateful.
R: Ashlynn is virtually unchanged, she is well realized in her design and operates exactly how we want her to on the table. Her melee weapon did go up to RNG 1 though ... Flashing Blade for days!

Et ça ! C'est super cool :)
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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #59 le: 16 mai 2016 à 19:48:01 »
Sinon, ce que j'ai retenu, c'est le Kiss friendly faction qui va en faire pleurer plus d'un (source: forum PP).

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Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #60 le: 16 mai 2016 à 20:55:33 »
Sinon, ce que j'ai retenu, c'est le Kiss friendly faction qui va en faire pleurer plus d'un (source: forum PP).

Hello Valachev !   ;D
Clic clac, merci Kodiak !

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Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #61 le: 16 mai 2016 à 20:58:08 »
Sinon, ce que j'ai retenu, c'est le Kiss friendly faction qui va en faire pleurer plus d'un (source: forum PP).
Tu peux toujours le changer en mettant Murdoch ou Valachev avec, mais ça fera 6 points et ça bouffera le character sur une unité de deux péons.

Sinon, j'ai calculé qu'en fait, en upkeepant Radiance of Morrow, Gallant peut faire un grand nombre d'attaques boostées à la touche ou aux dégâts. S'il n'a pas chargé, il pose ses deux initiales boostées aux dégâts, puis deux supplémentaires boostées aux dégâts (Power up + 1 focus sur Gallant, 4 focus sur Constance). C'est pas complétement ouf mais il devient du coup plus intéressant, même sans lui mettre de focus dessus.

Les nouveautés:

R: Coup de Main is slightly different. Better really, but it only affects Privateers.
It reads: The spellcaster and friendly Privateer models activating in its control range gain +2˝ movement when advancing as part of their Normal Movement. Affected warjacks can charge without spending a focus point. Coup de Main lasts for one turn.
The majestic Buccaneer is a mighty 6 points

R: Will, How have Aiyana and Holt changed in MK3?
Q: They are roughly the same as you remember. For example they can still give weapons Damage Type: Magical to a friendly model/unit, but their "Harm" ability was toned to only affect Faction models.
Kiss of Lyliss (★Attack) - Kiss of Lyliss is a RNG 10 magic attack. When a friendly Faction model makes a damage roll against a model/unit hit by Kiss of Lyliss, add +2 to the roll. Kiss of Lyliss lasts for one turn.

Q: Please support some religious Rhulic players and share some details about:
1. Ogrun Assault Corps - those poor fellows who only looked good...
2. Avalancher - is it nay better? cheper? any effect on cannon?
3. Have forge guard kept their weapon master?
4. I Gorten is now FOC 6 by any chance?
R: 1.) Well, like most medium based infantry they went down to five damage boxes instead of eight. They still retained CRA and CMA and got cheaper, only costing 16 points for a max unit. Feel like I'm missing something important here .... oh yeah they picked up Assault, Tough, and RNG 1 on their axes. They're delightful.
2.) Is Quake on the cannon a good thing? How about Shield Guard?
3.) Yup, they still hit hard.
4.) He is not. I checked his warcaster card though, according to his rules he is "Still Baller". Tougher too

Q: Does Dahlia and her amazing wurm keep mercenary rule?
R: I'm actually discussing these two in depth in my upcoming Minions Insider. They are still a Mercenary pair that works for Ret though. You can run all four lessers in the same Merc or Minion army if you really wanted to.

Q: Will Retribution of Scyrah still be able to benefit from the Kiss of Lyliss?
R: No, they are not Ret Partisans. Factions with a Ranking Officer can get use out of it, at least until said Officer gets their head blown off.

Q: I've been trying for so long now to make mags2 work for me and it always came up short. It felt he needed to be foc 7 to land calamity and upkeep all his stuff. Powerup helps him alot but still.. Is there anything you could spoil about magnus2?
R: Magnus 1 saw a variety of change. I won't mention them all here but some things I really like is that he picked up Scourge (amazing with his arc nodes, as any Deneghra player knows) and he also has Repair d3+1 now. Makes sense that the guy who custom builds warjacks would know how to fix them.
Magnus 2? Well I've got three words for you. Field Marshal [Unyielding]. It's brutal.
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #62 le: 16 mai 2016 à 21:13:08 »
Le feat de madhammer ne donne plus de de additionnel mais boost. Par contre ce n'est plus limite aux blast damages.
Du coup les cinq oac (qui ont finalement assault) peuvent charger et shooter un gars a 20" avec boosted pow 12.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #63 le: 16 mai 2016 à 21:39:30 »
au risque de dire une betise le nouveau sort de constance peut booster au tir aussi?

pour le moment je ne lis que du bon  :) :) :) :) :)

par contre il ne parle pas du devenir des long gunners et trenchers :(
« Modifié: 16 mai 2016 à 21:45:05 par galhadar »
nerf troll please

luciusle: 16 décembre 2018 :"Je serai surpuissant si j'avais tout gagné :D"

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Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #64 le: 16 mai 2016 à 21:47:29 »
au risque de dire une betise le nouveau sort de constance peut booster au tir aussi?
Les tirs des Morrowan models.
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #65 le: 16 mai 2016 à 21:54:52 »
Tu peux toujours le changer en mettant Murdoch ou Valachev avec, mais ça fera 6 points et ça bouffera le character sur une unité de deux péons.

Il me semblait avoir lu je ne sais plus où que les characters pourront être joués dans les deux listes maintenant ;)
If you play for fun, you win every game.
If you play to win, you're going to lose a lot.
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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #66 le: 16 mai 2016 à 21:59:11 »
En tant que joueur cygnar, je suis plus que sceptique sur l'"upgrade" de constance : (.
Think hard, play fair : )

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #67 le: 16 mai 2016 à 22:04:57 »
Et, du coup, l'insider merco m'a mit le doute : les caster merco humains peuvent ils prendre des jacks rhulic? (et inversement)

PS : les quelques infos sur Magnus promettent du beau  ;D
Si, dans une partie, tu hesites à craquer ton feat, FAIT LE! (Un feat craqué est un feat heureux)

Khador / 4 stars / gators

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Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #68 le: 16 mai 2016 à 22:06:44 »
Et, du coup, l'insider merco m'a mit le doute : les caster merco humains peuvent ils prendre des jacks rhulic? (et inversement)

PS : les quelques infos sur Magnus promettent du beau  ;D

Si c'est comme pour les minions et si on parle d'un point de vue fluff (un caster humain ne pensant à priori pas en rhulic) : non.
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Re : Re : Re : Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #69 le: 16 mai 2016 à 23:09:00 »
Tu peux toujours le changer en mettant Murdoch ou Valachev avec, mais ça fera 6 points et ça bouffera le character sur une unité de deux péons.
Il me semblait avoir lu je ne sais plus où que les characters pourront être joués dans les deux listes maintenant ;)
Je me suis mal exprimé, je voulais dire au sein de la même liste. Donc si tu paies A&H et Murdoch dans ta liste pour debuff les ennemis (pour environ 10 ou 11 points MK3...), tu ne pourras pas rendre d'autres unités Mercos Friendly Faction.

On continue les spoilers:

Q: Could we get some info on the non Rhulic jacks? So far the rhulic one got most of the spoiler love.
1. Freebooter
2. Vangaurd
3. Trusty Nomad.
4. Talon
R: 1.) His melee RNG went up to 1" (all heavies have at least RNG 1 on melee now.) Jury Rigged no longer costs a focus. Oh, and he's only 9 points.
2.) Mostly the same, but he hits harder in melee these days.
3.) Dirt cheap face breaker. 11 points, and his sword went up to P+S 18, still RNG 2. He also picked up a new ability that many Merc jacks have called Tried & True, which reads: When this model is affected by a Repair special action, remove 1 additional damage point from it.
4.) Hits harder in melee, costs next to nothing (7 points), and Stall now just makes a warjack hit by it go stationary for one round.

Q: How about the other, other two man Merc character unit - Blythe and Bull. Any love for this oft-forgotten duo?
R: They are cheap for the amount of hurt they bring to the table. Only 6 points for the duo.

Q: WOw, LOVING the changes to Freebooter.... Any chance we could get some info on my favorite Jack model in the whole game, the Mariner?
R: The Mariner sure is happy about that whole "all heavies get at least RNG 1 Melee" rule. Makes his Thresher attack even more devastating. Overall he remains mostly the same, but he did get cheaper overall, only costing 14 points.

Q: Will! Can we get points costs for Cephalyx units and montstrosities? Any changes to the Dominator?
R: Dominators are just straight up FA:2 now, so you can always bring two merc units in your Cephalyx list. Also they only cost 1 point ... which is like half a point in MK II terms. They still give out Tough, gained Stealth, and now when he dies since theyre aren't command checks in the game anymore he forces his unit to run during their next activation, then they are good to go like normal on the following turns.
Cephalyx models are ... cheap. Like crazy cheap. I mentioned earlier the Warden is only 10 points, the Dominator is 1 point, a unit of Mind Slaver & Drudges is 8/12. Oh, and making Drudges with the Mind Slaver unit is easier than ever thanks to their new Prep for Surgery rule which reads:
Prep For Surgery - While this model is in formation, when a living enemy warrior model in the melee range of two or more models in this unit is boxed by a melee attack made by a model in this unit, remove the enemy model from play. You can then add one Grunt to a friendly non-character Drudge unit in this model’s command range. Place the Grunt in formation and completely within this model’s command range. The Grunt must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it is put into play.

Q: Is it still too early for Jack Marshal teasers? 
R: I believe Soles wrote an Insider you should see soon that talks all about the big changes to Jack Marshals.

Q: How about that merc duo we all know and love, Taryn and Shaw? Any news on a possible Rex or Toro chassis?
R: While Taryn remained mostly the same, she traded Iron Rot for Brutal Damage, and only costs 5 points. Rutger, on the other hand, got more changes than I can list at the moment. Including Drive: Shield Guard for the warjack under his control.

Q: 1: Follow up on freebooter. Has Trash changed? How about chain attack grab and smash?
2: Privatees!??!?!
2a: Doc Killingsworth
2b: Grogspar
2c: Hawk
2d: Rockbottom
3: Commodore Cannon?
4: Mariner, Loader? Y/N
5: Gallant? Still has accumulator?
R:1: Effectively the same as you know it.
2: Yes!??!?!
2a: He effects himself now with his "No, I'm Fine" rule
2b: 4 points is pretty cheap for all the good stuff he brings to the table
2c: Sucker got more range, her armor got a little nicer
2d: Still making it rain.
3: Did we mention its usable with any Privateer warcaster and not just Shae these days? Cause let me tell you, Fiona and Bart love this thing.
4: Yuuuuuuuuuuuup
5: Yuuuuuuuuuuuup

Q: Hi Hungerford, still on Taryn:
Did she keep her Shadow Fire attack? Was it returned back to only Friendly Faction or it's still usable by other factions?
R: She did, it simply says Shadow Fire - A model hit by this attack does not block LOS for one turn.

Q: What about... Kell Bailoch. The true sniper!
R: Still the rootin' tootin' magic gun shootin' fella you know and love. Cept he hurts more with his gun these days.
Deadly Shot - Instead of making a damage roll to resolve an attack with this weapon, you can choose to have a model hit by this weapon suffer 3 damage points instead. A model disabled by this attack cannot make a Tough roll.

Q: Oh Broadsides spoilers, where BART you? Did Batten survive? The idea of 9 point arm 20 heavies is making me light headed.
R: Batten still exists, Bart still has it. It's gross. (in a good way)
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #70 le: 16 mai 2016 à 23:30:30 »
Honnêtement, si les minions reçoivent autant d'amour que les mercos... je serais ravi !

Freebooter power !  ;D
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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #71 le: 16 mai 2016 à 23:38:40 »
Q: What about Steelheads? Are they mostly the same, or did they gain any rules? How about point costs?
R: Halberdiers are dirt cheap, 7/11. Same for Riflemen, 8/14. Mostly unchanged from what you already know, but they do love not ever fleeing.

Q: The Boomhowlers are my favourite mercinaries. I love some some trolls in my Cygnar. Did they still keep 4+ tough?
R: No, it has been replaced with Call of Defiance - While in formation, models in this unit do not lose Tough while knocked down. Call of Defiance lasts for one round.
Which is fun combined with Reveille on the following turn.

Q: Any love for Bartolo tonight?
R: I posted earlier he still has Batten but let's see ... Powder Keg got better. It only costs 3 now, but had its RNG reduced to 8.
Oh, and here's a general one that applies to more than just Bart. Overtake triggers on any enemy model destroyed now, not just warrior models.

Q: I second the requests for Reinholdt, the master of Spyglasses and such!
R: Cheers,
Okay, this is my last one for the day, I gotta run. Sorry!
Reinholdt is a warcaster attachment now for starters, and man ... the new Spyglass is pretty good.
Spyglass (★Action) - Target an enemy model in this model’s LOS. That model loses Stealth for one round.
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #72 le: 17 mai 2016 à 01:27:48 »
Déclaration de Jason Soles à propos du Highborn Covenant et de Magnus Bad Seeds:

There have been a lot of questions in this thread concerning cross Faction models that were previously allowed by some theme forces in Mk II. As we have stated previously, we tried to accommodate these options where possible. However, we removed these option in instances in which they proved unbalancing, redundant, limited design space, or simply did not make sense going forward.

The two largest open questions remaining in this regard seem to be the Highborn Covenant and Magnus' Bad Seeds theme force. The Highborn Covenant is evolving into the Llaelese Resistance theme force that will allow players to include up to one non-character Cygnaran or Protectorate unit in their Resistance armies. That unit will be considered to be a friendly Mercenary unit instead of a Cygnar or Protectorate unit and can include attachments.

The concept of the Bad Seeds theme force has also gone through some changes in the new edition. We no longer are producing theme forces for only one warcaster. Instead they have been opened up for use by a range of warcasters. In this case, Magnus' theme force has become the The Kingmaker's Army, which is a reflection of Magnus' ongoing storyline as his plots and reach some degree of fruition in Doug Seacat's Blood of Kings novel. The Kingmaker's Army is open to those warcasters who work most closely with Magnus along with the outlaws in his employ. It also allows players playing a Kingmaker's Army to include Cygnar Long Gunner, Ranger, and Trencher Infantry units. These units are considered to be friendly Mercenary units when included in the army instead of being Cygnar units and can include attachments. With Mercenary (and Cygnaran) forces continuing to evolve in the future it simply did not make sense to leave Bad Seeds with all of its open ended options... And the inclusion of additional warcasters made balance all the more difficult.

Q: A question for many Rhulic fanatics like myself has always been will Rockbottom paymaster abilities be useful for other models besides sea dogs/privateers.
Is that information available?
R: Rockbottom's Paymaster effects are limited to Sea Dogs.

Q: I had those questions :
1)You said Ashlynn remained mostly the same except the 1" melee range. Most casters gain something unique like a unique spell/field marshall, etc. Did she get something like that?
2)Anything about Fiona would be nice. She already had a pretty unique spell list, did she change in some way?
R: 1) Ashlynn was already pretty unique thanks to her duelist abilities. She kept the ability to make both melee and ranged attacks with Dual Attack (which also lets her make ranged attacks in melee), kept Parry and still has Riposte with DEF 17 ARM 15. She's also still a Weapon Master and she kept her spell Distraction. All in all she is quite incredible in the new edition even if her changes specifically were minimal.
2) The biggest change to Fiona was probably to her Cultists. Cultists - Choose one friendly Sea Dog unit at the beginning of the game to be Cultists. Cultists are Thamarite models. During your Control Phase, this model can upkeep spells without spending focus. Instead, it can remove one Cultist model in its control range from play for each spell upkept.

Q: So first off this is great news, thank you for telling us.
Some follow up questions does the king makers army get the bad seeds jacks and solos as well?
Will this theme be available to play at L&L?
Any hints on who is close to magnus?
R: Question 1: No.Question 2: No, you will have to wait a bit longer than that.Question 3: Captain Bartolo Montador, Captain Damiano, and Drake MacBain in addition to both of the Magnusi.

Q: Did mercs just get choir?
R: I'd wait for the final wording on that theme force for sure. That force is still undergoing some play testing...

Q: My pleas for information about the humble Driller and Hammerfall Highshields appears to have fallen on deaf ears...That makes me a sad cannibal. 
R: High Shields did not change a lot. They gains Combined Mlee Attack, are now FA 3, and cost 10/16. The Driller's drill went up to POW 6, gained 1" melee range (as did the grappler), and the warjack now costs 10 points.

Q: In regards to Kingmaker's Army, when you say "Trencher Infantry", do you mean just that unit specifically or are other Trenchers included as well?
R: I mean specifically the Trencher Infantry unit.

Q: Did Cylena and the Nyss Hunters change? How? Does this impact Cryx?
R: Nyss Hunters are now DEF 14, have CRA innately and Cylena now has Granted: Hunter. Also they now have Partisan [Retribution] and RNG 1 on their Claymores. PC 12/19

Q: any info for the lovely Sam and her unit of Devil Dogs? And will you go over jack marshals at some point before the release of the book?
R: Jack Marshal Insider is coming soon. Like this week soon.
"Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions." Credo du joueur Merco.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #73 le: 17 mai 2016 à 01:59:03 »
The two largest open questions remaining in this regard seem to be the Highborn Covenant and Magnus' Bad Seeds theme force. The Highborn Covenant is evolving into the Llaelese Resistance theme force that will allow players to include up to one non-character Cygnaran or Protectorate unit in their Resistance armies. That unit will be considered to be a friendly Mercenary unit instead of a Cygnar or Protectorate unit and can include attachments.

 Ashlynn avec des unités Menites ? J'ai pas encore trop réfléchis, mais rien que de l'imaginer avec des cinérators, des exemplar errants voir même des Vengers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Les gars de Dijon me vannaient en disant que la MK3 allait me faire craquer et me faire repasser en merco, ils viennent de marquer un panier à trois points si cela se concrétise.

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Re : Merco en MK3, la fin des contrats?
« Réponse #74 le: 17 mai 2016 à 07:28:59 »
ca ouvre beaucoup de perspective de pouvoir prendre une unité menoth ou cygnar. on peut imaginer une theme force qui va dans le meme sens avec les troupes khador non?

pour le moment que du bon :)
nerf troll please

luciusle: 16 décembre 2018 :"Je serai surpuissant si j'avais tout gagné :D"